来自iDempiere zh
- 系统管理
- 通用规则
- 系统级规则 - 通用系统规则
- Synchronize Doc Translation - Synchronize Document Translation
- 菜单 - 维护菜单
- 树 - 维护树定义
- 树维护 - 树维护
- 任务 - 维护任务
- 系统图像 - 维护图像和图标
- 错误消息 - 显示错误消息
- 通知 - 查看系统通知
- 国家、省、市 - 维护国家、省、市
- System Configurator
- 安全
- 用户 - 维护系统的用户
- My Profile - My user information
- Reset Password - Reset Password
- Reset Locked Account - Reset Locked Account for User
- 角色 - 维护用户的职责
- Role Access Update - Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client
- Copy Role - Copy Role
- 角色访问 - 维护数据存取规则
- ToolBar Button Restrict
- 访问纪录 - 数据、资源的访问纪录
- 期间 - 列出用户会话
- 过程审计 - Audit process use
- 变动审计 - 数据变动的日志
- Archive Viewer - View automatically archived Documents
- 服务器 - Adempiere服务器维护
- 计划安排 - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs
- 请求处理器 - 定义请求处理器
- Alert Processor - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs
- Workflow Processor - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs
- Accounting Processor - Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs
- Request EMail Processor
- Workflow - Adempiere Workflow
- 打印 - 打印定义
- Collaboration - Collaboration and Content Management
- 隐藏所重新设定 - 重新设定了系统的隐藏所 ** 结束所有窗口在着手进行之前 **
- 系统级规则 - 通用系统规则
- 客户级规则 - 维护客户规则
- 初始化客户设置检查 - Review of system level setup of a new Client
- Setup Wizard
- 客户 - 维护客户
- Web Store - Define Web Store
- 合并实体 - Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From
- ASP Subscribed Modules
- 机构级规则
- 机构 - 维护机构
- Dashboard Content Edit
- Dashboard Preference
- 银行 - 维护银行
- Payment Processor
- 银行对账单匹配 - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments
- 现金簿 - 维护现金簿
- 重新开始 - 重新开始文件
- 数据 - 维护数据
- 工具程序
- 附件 - 维护附件
- 位置 - 维护位置地址
- 选项 - 维护系统级 客户级 机构级和用户级的选项
- My Unprocessed Documents - My Unprocessed Documents
- Unprocessed Documents (All) - Unprocessed Documents (All)
- 数据导入
- 导入载入程序格式 - Maintain Import Loader Formats
- 导入文件载入程序 - Load flat Files into import tables
- 导入业务伙伴 - 导入业务伙伴
- 导入产品 - 导入产品
- Import Price List - Import Price Lists
- 导入帐户 - 导入普通的帐户值
- 导入报表行组合 - 导入报表行组合
- 导入库存 - 导入库存交易
- Import Inventory Move - This window allow import Inventory Move transaction
- 导入定单 - 导入定单
- 导入发票 - 导入发票
- Import Confirmations - Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines
- 导入货币汇率 - 导入货币汇率
- Import Payroll Movement - Import Payroll Movement
- 导入总帐分类帐 - Import General Ledger Journals
- 导入付款 - 导入付款
- Load Bank Statement - Load Bank Statement
- 导入银行对帐单 - 导入银行对帐单
- Delete Import - Delete all data in Import Table
- Replication Data
- Setup Replication - Setup of data replication
- 复制策略 - 维护数据复制策略
- Export Format
- Export Format Generator - Create multiple Export Format based in a Window
- Test Export Model - Test Export of XML files
- Test Import Model - Test Import of XML files
- Export Processor
- Export Processor Type
- Import Processor Type
- Import Processor
- Relation Type
- System Issue Report - Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reports
- 工具程序
- 通用规则
- 应用字典 - Maintain Application Dictionary
- 用户窗口 - Define User Window Customization
- Application Packaging - Import and export packaging
- Pack Out - Create 2pack package
- Pack In - Imports a package
- Packages Installed - List of packages installed
- Package Maintenance - Package installation history and maintenance
- 伙伴关系 - Customer Relations and Partner Management
- 业务伙伴规则
- 业务伙伴设置 - 设置业务伙伴规则
- 业务伙伴组 - Maintain Business Partner Groups
- 称呼 - 维护问候
- 付款条款 - 维护付款条款
- 发票排程 - 维护开发票排程
- 催讨 - 维护催讨级别
- 业务伙伴 - 维护业务伙伴
- 业务伙伴信息 - Document Information of Business Partners
- Business Partner Detail - Business Partner Detail Report
- Business Partner Open - Business Partner Open Amount
- Validate Business Partner - Check data consistency of Business Partner
- Business Partner Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners
- 收入确认 - 收入确认规则
- UnLink Business Partner Org - UnLink Business Partner from an Organization
- Position - Maintain Job Positions
- Position Category - Maintain Job Position Categories
- 服务 - 维修管理
- Request
- 请求设置 - Set up the client to process requests
- 请求类型 - 维护请求类型
- Request Group - Maintain Request Group
- Request Category - Maintain Request Category
- Request Resolution - Maintain Request Resolutions
- Request Status - Maintain Request Status
- Request Standard Response - Maintain Request Standard Response
- 所有请求 - 所有请求上的视图和任务
- Invoice Requests - Create Invoice for Requests
- 重开请求 - 重开关闭的请求
- 关心点区域 - 关心点区域或主题
- 请求 - 你的请求上的工作
- 代理信息 - 公司代理(销售代表)信息
- 邮件模板 - 维护邮件模板
- 发送邮件本文 - 送 电子邮件给活跃的签署者一使区域或业务伙伴团体感兴趣
- 业务伙伴规则
- 销售管理
- 销售和营销规则
- 销售设置 - 设置销售
- 销售区域 - 维护销售区域
- 佣金 - Maintain Commissions and Royalties
- 佣金运行 - 检查而且修正佣金
- Commission Run Detail - Commission Run Detail Report
- 营销渠道 - 维护营销引导
- 营销战役 - 维护营销战役
- Order Source
- POS Tender Type
- 销售定单
- 销售定单 - 输入而且改变销售定单
- Order Detail - Order Detail Report
- 未结定单 -
- Order Transactions - Sales Order Transaction Report
- Quote convert - Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order
- RePrice Order/Invoice - Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice
- 销售单产生采购单 - 产生来自销售定单的采购单
- Reopen Order - Open previously closed Order
- Order Batch Process - Process Orders in Batch
- POS键盘图 - POS Function Key Layout
- POS Key Generate - Generate POS Keys from products.
- POS终端 - Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal
- POS (Pre-Alpha) - Point Of Sales
- POS Payment
- 送货单
- 生成物料出货(手工) - 选择并且产生物料出货
- 产生物料出货 -
- 物料出货(客户) - Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns
- Shipment Details - Shipment Detail Information
- 包装 - 送货包装管理
- 销售发票
- 发票查询
- 发票交易 -
- 发票汇总 -
- 发票明细 -
- 每日发票 -
- 每周发票 -
- 每周产品发票 -
- 每月发票 -
- 每月产品发票 -
- 每月供应商发票 -
- Monthly Invoice Product - Invoice Report by Product per Month
- 每季按产品分类供应商分类的发票报表 -
- 每季按产品分类客户分类的发票报表 -
- Quarter Invoice Product - Invoice Report by Product per Quarter
- 销售和营销规则
- 采购管理
- RfQ主题 - Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers
- RfQ - Manage Request for Quotations
- RfQ Response - Manage RfQ Responses
- RfQ Unanswered - Outstanding RfQ Responses
- RfQ Response - Detail RfQ Responses
- Requisition - Material Requisition
- Create PO from Requisition - Create Purchase Orders from Requisitions
- Open Requisitions - Detail Open Requisition Information
- 采购定单 - 处理采购定单
- 物料收货 - 供应商物料出货
- Material Receipt Details - Material Receipt Detail Information
- 发票(供应商) - 供应商发票条目
- Invoice Batch - Expense Invoice Batch
- 匹配采购定单-收货-发票 - Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices
- 已匹配采购定单 - 视图匹配采购定单
- 已匹配发票 - 视图匹配发票
- Returns
- RMA 类型 - Return Material Authorization Type
- Customer Return - Customer Return (Receipts)
- RMA - Manage Return Material Authorization
- Vendor RMA - Manage Return Material Authorization
- Return to Vendor - Vendor Returns
- 未结项|结算中心
- Invoice Tax - Invoice Tax Reconsiliation
- 未结项目 - 未结项目列表
- Aging - Aging Report
- Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss - Invoice Not Realized Gain & Loss Report
- 催讨Run -
- 付款 - 付款处理
- Payment Details - Payment Detail Report
- 付款分配 - Allocate invoices and payments
- 取消付款分配 - 取消付款分配
- 付款冲销 - Payment - Invoice - Allocation
- UnAllocated Invoices - Invoices not allocated to Payments
- UnAllocated Payments - Payments not allocated to Invoices
- Reset Allocation - Reset (delete) allocation of invoices to payments
- 应收帐款销帐 - 未结应收帐款销帐
- 付款选择 - 为付款挑选出发票
- 付款单选择(手工) - 手工付款单选择
- 付款单打印或导出 - 打印或输出你的付款单
- 支付批次 - Process Payment Patches for EFT
- 银行对帐单 - 银行对帐单处理
- 未对账付款 - 未和银行对单一致的付款
- Cash Plan
- Cash Flow Report
- Bank Transfer - Bank Transfer let money tranfer between Banks
- 物料管理
- 物料管理规则
- 产品设置 - 建立产品
- 仓库&货位 - Maintain Warehouses and Locators
- Warehouse Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse
- 度量单位 - 维护度量单位
- 产品种类 - 维护产品种类
- 供应商明细 - 维护供应商明细
- 供应商选择 - 有超过多个供应商的产品
- 运费种类 - 维护运费种类
- 产品 - 维护产品
- Product Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Products
- 价目表设置 - 定义价目表及折扣
- 价目表模式 - Maintain Price List Schema
- 价目表 - 维护产品价目表
- 折扣模式 - Maintain Trade Discount Schema
- 运输商 - 维护运输商
- Verify BOMs - Verify BOM Structures
- Promotion - Setup promotion rule
- Promotion Group - Grouping of product for promotion setup
- 产品属性
- 批控制 - 产品批控制
- 序列号控制 - 产品序号控制
- 属性 - 产品属性
- 属性组合 - Maintain Product Attribute Set
- Attribute Set Instance - View Attribute Set Instance detail and use
- 批 - 产品批定义
- Product Attribute Grid - Maintain Products with Attributes in a Table Grid
- 物料交易 - 物料交易
- Transaction Detail - Transaction Detail Report
- 产品交易价值 - 产品交易价值
- 产品交易汇总 - 产品交易汇总
- 调拨 - 调拨
- 盘点 - 输入实际的库存
- Internal Use Inventory - Enter Internal Use of Inventory
- 计划订货报表 - 库存计划订货报表
- Ship/Receipt Confirm - Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation
- Open Confirmations - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations
- Open Confirmation Details - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details
- Storage Detail - Storage Detail Report
- Storage per Product
- 物料清单展开 - 物料清单展开
- Storage Cleanup - Inventory Storage Cleanup
- 库存估价报表 - 库存估价报表
- Material Reference - Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced)
- 物料管理规则
- 项目管理
- 项目设置及使用 - 设置项目和项目报表
- 项目类型 - Maintain Project Type and Phase
- 项目(服务) - 维护服务项目
- 项目(定单) - Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders
- Generate PO from Project - Generate PO from Project Line(s)
- Issue to Project - Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location
- Project Lines not Issued - Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project
- Project POs not Issued - Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project
- Project Margin (Work Order) - Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs)
- 项目周期 - 维护项目循环
- 项目周期报表 - 项目周期报表
- Project Detail Accounting Report - Accounting Fact Details of Project
- 经营分析
- 会计规则
- 会计设置 - Review and change Accounting Setup
- 日历年和分期 - Maintain Calendars Years Periods
- 会计科目 - 维护会计科目
- 会计维度 - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees
- 会计模式 - Maintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-login
- 帐户组合 - Maintain Valid Account Combinations
- 总帐分类 - Maintain General Ledger Categories
- 货币类型 - 维护货币换算率类型
- 货币 - 维护货币
- 汇率 - 维护货币换算比率
- 税设置 - 设置税计算
- 文档类型 - 维护文件类型
- 柜台文档 - Maintain Counter Document Types
- Verify Document Types - Verify Document Types
- 文档序列 - Maintain System and Document Sequences
- GL Distribution - General Ledger Distribution
- 税分类 - 维护税分类
- 税率 - Maintain Taxes and their Rates
- Charge Type
- 费用 - 维护费用
- 产生费用 - Generate Charges from natural accounts
- 活动(ABC) - Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing
- 总帐预算 - Maintain General Ledger Budgets
- 重新生成会计分录 - 有过帐错误的文件再过帐
- Global Tax Management
- Tax Group - Tax Groups let you group the business partner with a reference tax.
- Tax Type - Tax Types let you group taxes together.
- Tax Base - Defines tax base for a tax
- Tax Rate Parent - Maintain Taxes and their Rates
- Tax Definition - Lets you define different tax combinations.
- C_Invoce Calculate Tax
- 未过账文档 - 未过账文档
- 重新设定会计 - 重新设定会计条目
- Client Accounting Processor - Client Accounting Processor
- 财务报表
- 报表行组合 - Maintain Financial Report Line Sets
- 报表列组合 - Maintain Financial Report Column Sets
- Reporting Hierarchy - Define Reporting Hierarchy
- Report Cube - Define reporting cube for pre-calculation of summary accounting data.
- Recalculate Cube - Recalculate summary facts based on report cube definitions.
- 财务报表 - 维护财务报表
- 对帐单 - 帐户对帐单初期余款和交易报表
- Trial Balance - Trial Balance for a period or date range
- 经营度量
- 警报 - Adempiere警报
- 经营度量设置 - Setup your Performance Measurement
- Performance Color Schema - Maintain Performance Color Schema
- 绩效度量 - Define your Performance Measures
- 绩效度量计算 - Define how you calculate your performance measures
- Performance Ratio - Maintain Performance Ratios
- 绩效目标 - 定义绩效目标
- Performance Benchmark - Performance Benchmark
- Performance Indicators - View Performance Indicators
- Costing
- 成本类型 - 维护成本类型
- Cost Element - Maintain Product Cost Element
- Product Costs - Maintain Product Costs
- Create Costing Records - Create Costing Records
- 更新产品成本 - 设定未来成本价格,而且标准花费价格
- Product Cost Summary - Product Cost Summary Report
- Product Cost - Product Cost Report
- Product Cost Detail - Product Invoice Cost Detail Report
- GL Journal - Enter and change Manual Journal Entries
- 总帐分类帐 - Enter and change Manual Journal Entries
- Automatic account reconciliation - Reconcile account transactions according to standard rules
- Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual)
- Unreconciled accounting facts
- 会计分录查询 - 查询会计分录
- Accounting Fact Details - Accounting Fact Details Report
- 会计分录平衡 - Query Accounting Daily Balances
- Accounting Fact Daily - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date
- GL Journal Generator
- Accounting Fact Period - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period
- 会计规则
- Manufacturing
- Quality Test
- Part Type - Manufacturing Part Types
- Parts and BOMs - Maintain Bill of Materials
- Validate BOM Flags - Validate BOM Flags
- Verify BOM Structure - Verify BOM for correctness
- Universal substitution - Substitute one product for another in all BOMs
- Rollup BOM Cost - Rollup BOM cost
- Indented Bill of Material - Indented BOM report
- Replenish Report incl. Production - Inventory Replenish Report
- 制造 - Production based on Bill of Materials
- Production (Single Product)
- 资产
- Fixed Assets - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets
- Setup and Maintain - Setup and maintain assets
- Fixed Assets Setup - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- 资产分类 - 群体的资产
- 资产 - Asset used internally or by customers
- Inbound Charges for GL - Process invoice charges from GL
- Inbound Charges for AP - Process invoice charges from AP
- Inbound Charge Entry Report - Used to review Assets Inbound Entry
- Inbound Asset Entry - Create Inbound Asset Entry
- Post Imported Assets - Import Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Setup - Applications to setup and maintain depreciation
- Depreciation Methods - Depreciation Methods
- Depreciation Calculation Method - Define Calculation Methods used in depreciation expense calculation
- Depreciation First Year Conventions - Setup for depreciation Setups
- Depreciation Period Spread Type - Period Spread Type
- Depreciation Tables - Allows users to create multiple depreciation schedules
- Fixed Assets Setup - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- Processing - Process Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Processing - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Build Depreciation Forecast -
- Asset Depreciation Forecast - Used to review Assets Forecast
- Post Depreciation Entry - Create Depreciation Entry
- Splits Transfers and Disposals - Process Assets Splits Transfers and Disposals
- Asset Split - Split Assets Process
- Asset Split Entry - Used to review Assets Split Entry
- Split Asset Entry - Create Split Asset Entries
- Asset Transfers - Process transfers of assets
- Asset Transfer Entry - Used to review Assets Transfered Entry
- Transfer Asset Entry - Create Transfer Asset Entry
- Asset Disposal - Dispose of Assets
- Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt - Used to review Assets Disposed Entry
- Disposed Asset Entry - Create Disposed Asset Entry
- Asset Revaluation - Process Asset Revaluations
- Asset Revaluation Processing - Process Revaluation of Assets
- Asset Revaluation Index - Set the Revaluate Assets Index or Factors
- Depreciation Processing - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Reporting - Reporting for fixed assets
- RV_Asset_Parent_Report
- RV_Asset_Group_Defaults - Lists Asset Group Settings & Defaults
- RV_Depreciation_Table
- RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt - Asset Convention Report
- RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods - List Depreciation Calculation Methods Available
- RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method - List Depreciation Methods
- Spread Report
- Setup and Maintain - Setup and maintain assets
- Customer Service - Customer Related Assets
- Registration - User Asset Registration
- Registration Attributes - Asset Registration Attributes
- Asset Delivery Month - Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month
- Asset Delivery Details - Report Asset Deliveries Details
- Customer Assets - Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count
- 转移资产 - 电子地递送客户资产
- Fixed Assets - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets