工作流处理过程 (窗口 ID-297)
窗口: 工作流处理过程
描述: 监视工作流处理过程
幫助: View and Maintain Workflow Process Instance Information
TAB: Process
描述: Actual Workflow Process Instance
幫助 Instance of a workflow execution
File:工作流处理过程 - Process - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
名稱 | 名稱 | 描述 | 幫助 | 產品規格 |
Active | 有效 | 本记录有效 | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
IsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Workflow Process | Workflow Process | Actual Workflow Process Instance | Instance of a workflow execution | AD_WF_Process_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Client | 客户 | 安装此软件的客户 | 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | 机构 | 客户内的机构实体。 | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow | 工作流 | Workflow or combination of tasks | The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. | AD_Workflow_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Priority | 优先权 | Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. | The Priority indicates the importance of this request. | Priority numeric(10) Integer |
Created | 创建日期 | 本记录产生日期 | The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. | Created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL Date+Time |
Workflow State | 工作流状态 | State of the execution of the workflow | null | WFState character(2) NOT NULL List |
Workflow Responsible | Workflow Responsible | Responsible for Workflow Execution | The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. | AD_WF_Responsible_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
User/Contact | 客户或联系人 | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact | AD_User_ID numeric(10) Search |
Table | 表 | 字段所在表 | The Table indicates the table in which a field or fields reside. | AD_Table_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Search |
Record ID | 记录ID | 记录的内部ID | The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record | Record_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Button |
Message | 信息 | 系统信息 | Information and Error messages | AD_Message_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Text Message | 文本消息 | 文本消息 | null | TextMsg character varying(2000) Text |
Manage Process | Manage Process | null | null | Processing character(1) Button |
Processed | 已处理 | The document has been processed | The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. | Processed character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
TAB: 活动
描述: Workflow Activity
幫助 The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance
File:工作流处理过程 - 活动 - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
名稱 | 名稱 | 描述 | 幫助 | 產品規格 |
Client | 客户 | 安装此软件的客户 | 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | 机构 | 客户内的机构实体。 | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow Process | Workflow Process | Actual Workflow Process Instance | Instance of a workflow execution | AD_WF_Process_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Node | 结点 | Workflow Node, step or process | The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. | AD_WF_Node_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Priority | 优先权 | Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. | The Priority indicates the importance of this request. | Priority numeric(10) Integer |
Created | 创建日期 | 本记录产生日期 | The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. | Created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL Date+Time |
Workflow State | 工作流状态 | State of the execution of the workflow | null | WFState character(2) NOT NULL List |
End Wait | End Wait | End of sleep time | End of suspension (sleep) | EndWaitTime timestamp without time zone Date+Time |
Workflow | 工作流 | Workflow or combination of tasks | The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. | AD_Workflow_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow Responsible | Workflow Responsible | Responsible for Workflow Execution | The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. | AD_WF_Responsible_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
User/Contact | 客户或联系人 | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact | AD_User_ID numeric(10) Search |
Table | 表 | 字段所在表 | The Table indicates the table in which a field or fields reside. | AD_Table_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Search |
Record ID | 记录ID | 记录的内部ID | The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record | Record_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Button |
Message | 信息 | 系统信息 | Information and Error messages | AD_Message_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Last Alert | 上次警报日期 | 上次发出警报的日期 | The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent | DateLastAlert timestamp without time zone Date |
Text Message | 文本消息 | 文本消息 | null | TextMsg character varying(2000) Text |
Manage Activity | Manage Activity | null | null | Processing character(1) Button |
Processed | 已处理 | The document has been processed | The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. | Processed character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Workflow Activity | Workflow Activity | Workflow Activity | The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance | AD_WF_Activity_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL ID |
TAB: 结果
描述: Result of the Workflow Process Activity
幫助 Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance
File:工作流处理过程 - 结果 - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
名稱 | 名稱 | 描述 | 幫助 | 產品規格 |
Active | 有效 | 本记录有效 | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
IsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Workflow Activity Result | Workflow Activity Result | Result of the Workflow Process Activity | Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance | AD_WF_ActivityResult_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL ID |
Client | 客户 | 安装此软件的客户 | 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | 机构 | 客户内的机构实体。 | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow Activity | Workflow Activity | Workflow Activity | The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance | AD_WF_Activity_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Attribute Name | Attribute Name | Name of the Attribute | Identifier of the attribute | AttributeName character varying(60) NOT NULL String |
Attribute Value | Attribute Value | Value of the Attribute | null | AttributeValue character varying(2000) String |
Description | 描述 | 该记录的可选描述 | 描述最多为 255 个字符。 | Description character varying(255) String |
Comment/Help | 注释/帮助 | 注释或提示 | The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. | Help character varying(2000) Text |
TAB: 事件
描述: Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information
幫助 History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity
File:工作流处理过程 - 事件 - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
名稱 | 名稱 | 描述 | 幫助 | 產品規格 |
Active | 有效 | 本记录有效 | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
IsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Client | 客户 | 安装此软件的客户 | 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | 机构 | 客户内的机构实体。 | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow Process | Workflow Process | Actual Workflow Process Instance | Instance of a workflow execution | AD_WF_Process_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Node | 结点 | Workflow Node, step or process | The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. | AD_WF_Node_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow State | 工作流状态 | State of the execution of the workflow | null | WFState character(2) NOT NULL List |
Workflow Responsible | Workflow Responsible | Responsible for Workflow Execution | The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. | AD_WF_Responsible_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
User/Contact | 客户或联系人 | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact | AD_User_ID numeric(10) Search |
Table | 表 | 字段所在表 | The Table indicates the table in which a field or fields reside. | AD_Table_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Record ID | 记录ID | 记录的内部ID | The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record | Record_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Button |
Event Type | 事件类型 | 事件的类型 | null | EventType character(2) NOT NULL List |
Attribute Name | Attribute Name | Name of the Attribute | Identifier of the attribute | AttributeName character varying(60) String |
New Value | 新的值 | 新的字段值 | 新的数据在字段中输入 | NewValue character varying(2000) String |
Old Value | 旧的值 | 旧的文件数据 | Old data overwritten in the field | OldValue character varying(2000) String |
Description | 描述 | 该记录的可选描述 | 描述最多为 255 个字符。 | Description character varying(255) String |
Text Message | 文本消息 | 文本消息 | null | TextMsg character varying(2000) Text |
Elapsed Time ms | Elapsed Time ms | Elapsed Time in mili seconds | Elapsed Time in mili seconds | ElapsedTimeMS numeric NOT NULL Number |
Created | 创建日期 | 本记录产生日期 | The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. | Created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL Date+Time |
Workflow Event Audit | Workflow Event Audit | Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information | History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity | AD_WF_EventAudit_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL ID |
TAB: 数据
描述: Workflow Process Context
幫助 Context information of the workflow process and activity
File:工作流处理过程 - 数据 - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
名稱 | 名稱 | 描述 | 幫助 | 產品規格 |
Active | 有效 | 本记录有效 | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
IsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Workflow Process Data | Workflow Process Data | Workflow Process Context | Context information of the workflow process and activity | AD_WF_ProcessData_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL ID |
Client | 客户 | 安装此软件的客户 | 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | 机构 | 客户内的机构实体。 | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Workflow Process | Workflow Process | Actual Workflow Process Instance | Instance of a workflow execution | AD_WF_Process_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Attribute Name | Attribute Name | Name of the Attribute | Identifier of the attribute | AttributeName character varying(60) NOT NULL String |
Attribute Value | Attribute Value | Value of the Attribute | null | AttributeValue character varying(60) String |