Уплата (прозор ID-195)

Извор: iDempiere sr

прозор: Уплата

опис: Процесирај исплате и уплате

помоћ: The Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window.

TAB: Уплата

опис: Payment or Receipt

помоћ Enter payment or receipt for a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. You can also apply over/under payments:
You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.
You can also receive a partial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a positive amount.
Note that printed payments are archived in Payment Selection (Prepared Payment).
For Posting, the bank account organization is used, if it is not a charge.

Датотека:Уплата - Уплата - прозор (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име опис помоћ Спецификације
Client Клијент Клијент/закупац за ову инсталацију. Клијент је фирма или правно лице Не можете да делите податке између клијената. Закупац је синоним за клијента AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организација Организациони ентитет унутар клијента Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење Подаци између организација су заједнички. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Document No Документ бр Document sequence number of the document The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>".

If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(30) NOT NULL
Bank Account Рачун банке Рачун у банци The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. C_BankAccount_ID
Table Direct
Document Type Тип документа Document type or rules The Document Type determines document sequence and processing rules C_DocType_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Receipt Рачун This is a sales transaction (receipt) null IsReceipt
character(1) NOT NULL
Transaction Date Датум трансакције Датум трансакције The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. DateTrx
timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
Account Date Датум контирања Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion. DateAcct
timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
Description Опис Optional short description of the record Опис је ограничен на 255 карактера. Description
character varying(255)
Business Partner Пословни партнер Означава пословног партнера Пословни партнер је било ко, са којим вршите трансакције. Он може бити добављач, купац, запослени или референт продаје. C_BPartner_ID
Invoice Фактура Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document. C_Invoice_ID
Order Налог Налог The Order is a control document. The Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. C_Order_ID
Project Пројекат Financial Project A Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities. C_Project_ID
Table Direct
Charge Потраживање Additional document charges The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) C_Charge_ID
Table Direct
Prepayment Претплата The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. IsPrepayment
character(1) NOT NULL
Activity Активност Пословна активност Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing C_Activity_ID
Table Direct
Campaign Кампања Маркетиншка кампања The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. C_Campaign_ID
Table Direct
Trx Organization Транс. организација Извођење или покретање организације Организација која обавља или иницира ову трансакцију (за другу организацију). The owning Organization may not be the transaction organization in a service bureau environment, with centralized services, and inter-organization transactions. AD_OrgTrx_ID
User List 1 Корисничка листа 1 User defined list element #1 The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. User1_ID
User List 2 Корисничка листа 2 User defined list element #2 The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. User2_ID
Payment amount Износ уплате Amount being paid Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. PayAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Currency Валута The Currency for this record Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record C_Currency_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Currency Type Врста валуте Currency Conversion Rate Type The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. C_ConversionType_ID
Table Direct
Discount Amount Изност попуста Calculated amount of discount The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. DiscountAmt
Write-off Amount Износ отписа Amount to write-off The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. WriteOffAmt
Over/Under Payment Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice.

Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.

character(1) NOT NULL
Over/Under Payment Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice.

Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.

Tender type Tender type Method of Payment The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit) TenderType
character(1) NOT NULL
POS Tender Type POS Tender Type null null C_POSTenderType_ID
Table Direct
Online Access Online Access Can be accessed online The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. IsOnline
character(1) NOT NULL
Routing No Routing No Bank Routing Number The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. RoutingNo
character varying(20)
Account No Број рачуна Број рачуна у банци Број рачуна означава број рачуна додељен ово банкарском рачуну. AccountNo
character varying(20)
Check No Чек бр Check Number The Check Number indicates the number on the check. CheckNo
character varying(20)
Micr Micr Combination of routing no, account and check no The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number Micr
character varying(20)
Credit Card Кредитна картица Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. CreditCardType
Transaction Type Врста трансакције Type of credit card transaction The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. TrxType
character(1) NOT NULL
Number Број Credit Card Number The Credit Card number indicates the number on the credit card, without blanks or spaces. CreditCardNumber
character varying(20)
Verification Code Verification Code Credit Card Verification code on credit card The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) CreditCardVV
character varying(4)
Exp. Month Exp. Месец Expiry Month The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. CreditCardExpMM
Exp. Year Exp. Година Expiry Year The Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card. CreditCardExpYY
Account Name Име рачуна Name on Credit Card or Account holder The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. A_Name
character varying(60)
Account Street Улица рачуна Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. A_Street
character varying(60)
Account City Град рачуна City or the Credit Card or Account Holder The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder A_City
character varying(60)
Account Zip/Postal ПТТ број рачуна Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. A_Zip
character varying(20)
Account State Држава рачуна State of the Credit Card or Account holder The State of the Credit Card or Account holder A_State
character varying(40)
Account Country Земља рачуна Земља Account Country Name A_Country
character varying(40)
Driver License Возачка дозвола Payment Identification - Driver License The Driver's License being used as identification. A_Ident_DL
character varying(20)
Social Security No ЈМИД Payment Identification - Social Security No The Social Security number being used as identification. A_Ident_SSN
character varying(20)
Account EMail Имејл налог Email Address The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. A_EMail
character varying(60)
Tax Amount Износ пореза Tax Amount for Credit Card transaction The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing. TaxAmt
PO Number PO Number Purchase Order Number The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order PONum
character varying(60)
Voice authorization code Voice authorization code Voice Authorization Code from credit card company The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. VoiceAuthCode
character varying(20)
Original Transaction ID Original Transaction ID Original Transaction ID The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. Orig_TrxID
character varying(20)
Online Process Online Process null null OProcessing
Approved Одобрено Indicates if this document requires approval The Approved checkbox indicates if this document requires approval before it can be processed. IsApproved
character(1) NOT NULL
Result Резултат Result of transmission The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. R_Result
character varying(20)
Response Message Response Message Response message The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission R_RespMsg
character varying(60)
Voided Voided null null IsVoided
character(1) NOT NULL
Void Message Void Message null null R_VoidMsg
character varying(255)
Reference Референца Payment reference The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment R_PnRef
character varying(20)
Authorization Code Код ауторизације Authorization Code returned The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. R_AuthCode
character varying(20)
Zip verified ПТТ број проверен The Zip Code has been verified The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. R_AvsZip
Address verified Адреса проверена This address has been verified The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. R_AvsAddr
Payment Processor Payment Processor Payment processor for electronic payments The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments C_PaymentProcessor_ID
Table Direct
Customer Payment Profile ID Customer Payment Profile ID null null CustomerPaymentProfileID
character varying(60)
Customer Profile ID Customer Profile ID null null CustomerProfileID
character varying(60)
Customer Address ID Customer Address ID null null CustomerAddressID
character varying(60)
Document Status Статус документа The current status of the document The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. If you want to change the document status, use the Document Action field DocStatus
character(2) NOT NULL
Process Payment Process Payment null null DocAction
character(2) NOT NULL
Self-Service Самостално This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. IsSelfService
character(1) NOT NULL
Posted Књижено Статус књижења The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines Posted
character(1) NOT NULL
Allocated Додељено Indicates if the payment has been allocated The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. IsAllocated
character(1) NOT NULL
Cash Book Благајна Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. C_CashBook_ID
Table Direct

TAB: Allocate

опис: Allocate Payments to Invoices

помоћ You can directly allocate payments to invoices with the same currency when creating the Payment. Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. The Organization is set to the invoice organization

Датотека:Уплата - Allocate - прозор (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име опис помоћ Спецификације
Client Клијент Клијент/закупац за ову инсталацију. Клијент је фирма или правно лице Не можете да делите податке између клијената. Закупац је синоним за клијента AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организација Организациони ентитет унутар клијента Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење Подаци између организација су заједнички. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Payment Уплата Payment identifier The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. C_Payment_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Active Активан Слог је активан у систему. Постоје два главна метода да се слог учини недоступним унутар система: један је да се обрише слог, а други је да се слог де-активира. Деактивиран слог није доступан за избор, али је доступан за извештаје. Постоје два разлога за де-активирање слога, а не брисање: (1) Систему је потребан слог за потребе контроле/провере. (2) Овај слог је повезан са другим слогом. Нпр., не можете обрисати пословног партнера, ако постоје фактуре у којима се појављује исти. Ви деактивирате пословног партнера и на тај начин спречавате да се он користи приликом будућег уноса неког документа. IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Invoice Фактура Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document. C_Invoice_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Invoice Amt Invoice Amt null null InvoiceAmt
Amount Износ Amount in a defined currency The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. Amount
numeric NOT NULL
Discount Amount Изност попуста Calculated amount of discount The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. DiscountAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Write-off Amount Износ отписа Amount to write-off The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. WriteOffAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Over/Under Payment Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice.

Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.

numeric NOT NULL
Remaining Amt Remaining Amt Remaining Amount null RemainingAmt
Allocation Line Allocation Line Allocation Line Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice C_AllocationLine_ID
Table Direct

TAB: Allocations

опис: Display Allocation of the Payment/Receipt to Invoices

помоћ null

Датотека:Уплата - Allocations - прозор (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име опис помоћ Спецификације
Client Клијент Клијент/закупац за ову инсталацију. Клијент је фирма или правно лице Не можете да делите податке између клијената. Закупац је синоним за клијента AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организација Организациони ентитет унутар клијента Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење Подаци између организација су заједнички. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Payment Уплата Payment identifier The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. C_Payment_ID
Allocation Расподела Payment allocation null C_AllocationHdr_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Transaction Date Датум трансакције Датум трансакције The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. DateTrx
timestamp without time zone
Invoice Фактура Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document. C_Invoice_ID
Order Налог Налог The Order is a control document. The Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. C_Order_ID
Amount Износ Amount in a defined currency The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. Amount
numeric NOT NULL
Discount Amount Изност попуста Calculated amount of discount The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. DiscountAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Write-off Amount Износ отписа Amount to write-off The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. WriteOffAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Over/Under Payment Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice.

Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.


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