Red1 Visit Schedule
From iDempiere
- Coaching the Steve Jobs Project apprentices both face-to-face and remotely.
- Conferences in Yaounde, Bamenda, Buea, Kumba and Limbe.
- TV and radio talks, interviews and feature slots.
- Fostering institutional cooperation to make KAfrica Foundation a success.
Saturday 23rd August
Advanced speed boat training for advanced apprentices who give attention.
- 10am to 3pm
- Take on a bug to rise in the community.
- Advanced training on ERP.
- Introducing yet another killer project -
- And more... (gurus, puzzles, sharing)
Tuesday 19th August
- 10am-3pm
- Speed Boat more intensive close working relationships in groups on specific code and documentation
- Going through the PDF Guides:
- OpenbravoPOSGuide.pdf
- SFAndroid.pdf
Friday 15 August
- 10am to 3pm. (I be at the Thierry cafe just outside if you like to have a morning coffee first.)
- Sharing of experiences in the field
- Review of online publishing
- More principles:
- Steven Covey - COC/CONC
- Recommended reading:
- CATB, The Magic Cauldron by Eric Raymond
- IHE (Innovation Happens Elsewhere)
- How iDempiere OSGi works (very technical) The GodFather PDF guide
- The MANIFEST file
- The Declarative Services
- Game puzzles
- 3 bulbs problem
- 1 dollar 50 cents choice problem
- <Share your favorite puzzle in class>
Tuesday, 12 August
- 10am to 3pm (this is confirmed because Monday we have a conference in Kumba).
- Advanced Social Engineering
- Preparation to sell Wonderful POS
- Go thru features and operations
- Assign restaurants around town to sales teams.
- Design prospects response forms.
- Winner gets ranking.
- Documentation of above gets points (Let's see who does it right away :) )
- Gurus I be introducing:
- Al-Ries - Different vs Better
- Steven Covey - Important vs Urgent
- Edward de Bono - Attention Directing
- Interested please sign below and add any comments.
- If you have longer ideas, go write in the Discussion Tab above.
- Red1 (talk) 08:00, 8 August 2014 (CEST)