
From iDempiere
Name This user real name is : SONDI Mikael Raphael
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Who is SONDI Mikael Raphael?

SONDI Mikael is a student at the faculty of engineering and technology of the university of buea.A registered student of the department of computer engineering . He specialised in the field of Computer Networks Engineering.He's been getting his hands dirty on all sorts of configuration of network equipment, especially Cisco.His interest in software engineering has pushed him towards the opensource community with communities like Drupal and recently ADempiere/iDempiere.A copy of his CV can be downloaded here .


SONDI Mikael was born on May 23rd 1993 in Douala, Cameroon from francophone parents. Given that Cameroon provides two education systems, both French and English education, his parents had to make a choice.This choice was made naturally, so he was registered in the French Education system.Two years later, the parents could not bear his outstanding results in the subject "English language", so they were compelled to switch his education system from french to English education system.He completed his primary education with good results at the national exams and moved to secondary school.The full biography of SONDI Mikael can be downloaded at:


English (spoken, read, written)
French (spoken, read, written)

Contact information

Mobile Phone

+ (237) 767-244-30
+ (237) 947-516-34

Internet links and pages

Facebook:ralph mikera
Twitter: #mikaelsondi
- Blog4ever
- Wordpress


- Presently working for the STEVE JOBS Project Cameroon
-Research on public key validation for DNS Security Extension
- Conception, Design and Programming of a GPA Calculator for students of the faculty of engineering and technology.
- Currently working on an android application development at Active spaces


- web design
- web programming
- android
- networking
- Research in general


- Playing video games
- Making Business


August 2013
Received a grant of 50000 FRS from the University of Buea as an excellence award
October 2011
President of the association of Ex-students of SASSE College, Buea .
May 2007
Received a grant of 10000 frs from the ministry of secondary education


- C programming (Intermediate)
- Web design (Intermediate)
- Java programming (Beginner)
- Unix shell scripting
- PostgreSQL database management
- MySQL Database Management
- Router Configuration (Advanced)
- Switch Configuration (Advanced)
- Network Design (Advanced)
- Network maintenance
- network troubleshooting
- Familiarity with the Dos, Linux and android operating systems as a whole.
- Extensive experience in software applications with common ones like proteus, p-spice, CISCO packet tracer, vmware, mplab


Since the 3rd of August 2014, day when I started my internship at ITKamer, my days have all been special.I met so many guys but I met two guys that are really immersed in IT.I mean that they have been training/teaching us the truths about IT.The good and the bad side of it , everything. We had a meeting with one of them today, 5th August 2014, his name is Redhuan D. Oon, and we discussed the following good points:

- communication skills required for the open source community
- showing how iDempiere works, demonstrating that it is the BEST software in the world
- have a passion, vision and perspective
- What is good about the open source community

To Do

August 5 2014

- registration on the wiki page of idempiere at:
- read the dos and donts for online communication
- register on the google groups of idempiere
- Join the idempiere group an google here
- read and adopt the communication skills required here
- get involved in the IRC chat (chatroom)
- read the WebEconomy.pdf book that can be downloaded at:,d.ZWU
- read the SFAndroid book that can be downloaded at :

August 6 2014

- understanding a POS source code
- Design a 3D logo
- Design a good website
- Document your work
- Neurolinguistic programming
- How to sell software effectively

August 12 2014

- presentation on the technical documentation started by Trigger
- presentation on postgresql implementation by Leyonce
- Role playing for WPOS
- Comments on the role playing(body language,technical terms, AIDA, Get the attention of the target, Allow the customer talk 60% of the time, Ask questions to the customers, Appear non offensive/defensive, Failure is the prerequisite to success, Follow the customer's tempo, observe the customer, Eye contact is positive feedback, Sentences have to be descriptive, Read Presales book, )

August 14 2014

Went out to the field for the sale of WPOS and experienced the following:

- Some potential customers are just afraid of the name "software" probably because they might be illiterate
- Most potential customers bought the idea and were interested, but their bosses were not around and they would not let me take their phone numbers, so I had to give them mine.
- Some customers were afraid of the proposal, probably because "scamming" is common in Buea, and they were evaluating the probability of being "scammed" through the software i pretended to offer.And when I tried to reassure them by mentioning that the software is free, their look was so creepy ; I guess they were thinking "Why would such a software be free.Is this guy, in his nice outfit trying to 'scam' me ?"
- I could not get the attention of some customers because they were busy selling their products.
- However, I did not meet any potential customer in such a bad mood that might had led to a "I don't want it.Please leave !" answer.
- The experience was wonderful because most people I spoke to were interested though they were not the "bosses".

Documentation/Source code familiarization and editing

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