Árvore de menu de System
Fonte: iDempiere pt
Administração de Sistema
- Administração de Sistema
- Configuração
- Configurar Sistema - General System Rules
- Sistema - System Definition
- Guia de abertura Idioma - Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements
- Idioma - Maintain Languages
- Importar/Exportar Tradução - Import or Export Language Translation
- Manutenção de Traduções - Check System Language Translations
- Menu - Maintain Menu
- Definir Estruturas - Maintain Tree definition
- Manutenção de Estruturas - Maintain Trees
- Tarefa - Maintain Tasks
- Sistema, Côr - Maintain System Colors
- Sistema, Imagem - Maintain Images and Icons
- Mensagem de Erro - Display Error Messages
- Alertas - View System Notices
- Cidade, Região e País - Maintain Countries Regions and Cities
- System Configurator
- Segurança -
- Password Rule
- Utilizador - Maintain Users of the system
- My Profile - My user information
- Reset Password - Reset Password
- Reset Locked Account - Reset Locked Account for User
- Perfil - Maintain User Responsibilities
- Role Access Update - Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client
- Copy Role - Copy Role
- Perfil, Permissões - Maintain Data Access Rules
- ToolBar Button Restrict
- Access Audit - Audit of Access to data or resources
- Sessão - List of User Sessions
- Process Audit - Audit process use
- Registo Alterações - Log of data changes
- Archive Viewer - View automatically archived Documents
- Convert passwords to hashes - Convert existing plain text/encrypted user passwords to one way hash
- Servidor - Manutenção das rotinas (areas) de servidor (centrais) do Compiere
- Scheduler - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs
- Schedule - Times for the scheduler
- Alert Processor - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs
- House Keeping
- HouseKeeping
- Workflow Processor - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs
- LDAP Server - LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere
- Workflow - Workflow Compiere
- Workflow, Responsável - Responsible for Workflow Execution
- Workflow - Maintain Workflow
- Workflow, Editor - Edit Workflows
- Workflow, Actividade - Monitor your active workflow activities
- Workflow, Actividades - My active workflow activities
- Workflow, Processar - Monitor workflow processes
- Configurar Impressão - Print Definition
- Impressão, papel - Maintain Print Paper
- Impressão, cores - Maintain Print Color
- Impressão, fonte - Maintain Print Font
- Impressão, formato em Tabela - Define Report Table Format
- Impressão, formato - Maintain Print Format
- Print Format Detail - Print Format Detail Report
- Impressão, formulário - Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used
- Impressora Etiquetas - Maintain Label Printer Definition
- Impressão de Etiqueta - Print Label Format
- Collaboration - Collaboration and Content Management
- Teste - Test Screen
- Versão JAVA - Displays the version of the default Java VM
- Executar SQL - Process SQL Statements
- Exportar Base de Dados - Export (save) the database
- Transferir Base de Dados - Transfer the database
- Sincronizar Terminologia - Synchronize the terminology within the system.
- Recompilar Objectos da BD - Recompile Database Objects
- Sequence Check - Check System and Document Sequences
- Enable Native Sequence - Enable Native Sequence
- UUID Generator
- Limpar Cache - Limpar Cache do Compiere ** deve fechar todas as Janelas(Windows) antes de prosseguir **
- Configurar Sistema - General System Rules
- Configurar Empresas - Maintain Client Rules
- Initial Client Setup Process
- Empresas - Maintain Clients
- Agregar Entidades - Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From
- ASP Modules
- Configurar Organismos
- Tipos de Organismo - Maintain Organization Types
- Organismos - Maintain Organizations
- Dashboard Content Edit
- Dashboard Preference
- Payment Processor
- Dados - Maintain Data
- Utilitários
- Anexo - Maintain Attachments
- Localização - Maintain Location Address
- Preferências - Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences
- Importação Dados
- Carregar Importação - Maintain Import Loader Formats
- Importar Conta - Import Natural Account Values
- Importar configuração Linha Mapa - Import Report Line Sets
- Importar Câmbio - Import Currency Conversion Rates
- Apagar Importação - Delete all data in Import Table
- Replication Data
- Setup Replication - Setup of data replication
- Estratégia Replicação - Maintain Data Replication Strategy
- Export Format
- Export Format Generator - Create multiple Export Format based in a Window
- Export Processor Type
- Export Processor
- Import Processor Type
- Import Processor
- Relation Type
- System Issue Report - Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reports
- Utilitários
- Configuração
- Dicionário - Maintain Application Dictionary
- Search Definition - Define transactioncodes for the QuickSearch bar
- Entity Type - Maintain System Entity Type
- Elemento - Maintain Field Elements
- Tabela e Coluna - Maintain Tables and Columns
- Grupo de Campo - Define Field Group
- Janela, Separador & Campo - Maintain Windows, Tabs & Fields
- Info Window - Define Info and search/select Window
- ToolBar Button
- Formulários Especiais - Janelas especiais
- Indices de Referência - Maintain System References
- Regras Validação - Maintain dynamic Validation Rules for columns and fields
- Model Validator
- Mensagem - Maintain Information and Error Messages
- Views para Relatórios - Maintain Report Views
- Relatório & Processo - Maintain Reports & Processes
- Rule
- Janela Utilizador - Define User Window Customization
- Migration Scripts
- Application Packaging - Import and export packaging
- Pack Out - Create 2pack package
- Pack In - Imports a package
- Packages Installed - List of packages installed
- Package Maintenance - Package installation history and maintenance
Relacionamento com Parceiros
- Relacionamento com Parceiros - Customer Relations and Partner Management
- Request
- Guia de abertura Tarefas - Set up the client to process requests
- Tipo Tarefa - Maintain Request Types
- Request Group - Maintain Request Group
- Request Category - Maintain Request Category
- Request Resolution - Maintain Request Resolutions
- Request Status - Maintain Request Status
- Request Standard Response - Maintain Request Standard Response
- Executar todas as Tarefas - View and work on all requests
- Tarefa - Work on your requests
- Info. Agente - Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information
- Modelo eMail - Maintain Mail Template
- Request
Gestão de Stocks
- Gestão de Stocks
- Normas Base de Stocks
- U/M - Maintain Unit of Measure
- Normas Base de Stocks
Financeira e Análise de Desempenho
- Financeira e Análise de Desempenho
- Contabilidade
- Dimensões Contabilísticas - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees
- Tipo Divisa - Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types
- Divisa - Maintain Currencies
- Câmbio - Maintain Currency Conversion Rates
- Verificar Tipos Documento - Verify Document Types
- Numeração Documentos - Manutenção da Numeração de Documentos
- Relatórios Financeiros (reporting)
- Configurar Coluna Relatório - Maintain Financial Report Column Sets
- Desempenho
- Alerta - Compiere Alert
- Guia de abertura Desempenho - Setup your Performance Measurement
- Performance Color Schema - Maintain Performance Color Schema
- Desempenho, Indicadores - Define your Performance Measures
- Desempenho, Cálculo Indicadores - Define how you calculate your performance measures
- Desempenho, Objectivos - Define Performance Goals
- Performance Benchmark - Performance Benchmark
- Performance Indicators - View Performance Indicators
- Contabilidade
- Imobilizado
- Fixed Assets - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets
- Setup and Maintain - Setup and maintain assets
- Fixed Assets Setup - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- Inbound Charge Entry Report - Used to review Assets Inbound Entry
- Inbound Asset Entry - Create Inbound Asset Entry
- Post Imported Assets - Import Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Setup - Applications to setup and maintain depreciation
- Depreciation Methods - Depreciation Methods
- Depreciation Calculation Method - Define Calculation Methods used in depreciation expense calculation
- Depreciation First Year Conventions - Setup for depreciation Setups
- Depreciation Period Spread Type - Period Spread Type
- Depreciation Tables - Allows users to create multiple depreciation schedules
- Fixed Assets Setup - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- Processing - Process Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Processing - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Build Depreciation Forecast
- Asset Depreciation Forecast - Used to review Assets Forecast
- Build Depreciation Workfile - Build Depreciation Expense File
- Depreciation Expense Entry - Used to review Depreciation Expense Entry not yet booked
- Post Depreciation Entry - Create Depreciation Entry
- Splits Transfers and Disposals - Process Assets Splits Transfers and Disposals
- Asset Split Entry - Used to review Assets Split Entry
- Split Asset Entry - Create Split Asset Entries
- Asset Transfer Entry - Used to review Assets Transfered Entry
- Transfer Asset Entry - Create Transfer Asset Entry
- Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt - Used to review Assets Disposed Entry
- Disposed Asset Entry - Create Disposed Asset Entry
- Asset Revaluation Process Asset Revaluations
- Asset Revaluation Processing - Process Revaluation of Assets
- Asset Revaluation Index - Set the Revaluate Assets Index or Factors
- Depreciation Processing - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Reporting - Reporting for fixed assets
- RV_Asset_Parent_Report
- RV_Asset_Group_Defaults - Lists Asset Group Settings & Defaults
- RV_Depreciation_Table
- RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt - Asset Convention Report
- RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods - List Depreciation Calculation Methods Available
- RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method - List Depreciation Methods
- Spread Report
- Setup and Maintain - Setup and maintain assets
- Fixed Assets - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets