Menu Pohon Admin Client
Dari iDempiere id
System Admin
- System Admin
- Aturan Umum
- Aturan Sistem' - Aturan Sistem Yang Umum
- Synchronize Doc Translation - Synchronize Document Translation
- Menu - Maintain Menu
- Tree - Maintain Tree definition
- Tree Maintenance - Maintain Trees
- Tugas - Maintain Tasks
- System Image - Maintain Images and Icons
- Pesan Error - Display Error Messages
- Pemberitahuan - View System Notices
- Wilayah Negara dan Kota - Maintain Countries Regions and Cities
- System Configurator
- Security
- Pengguna - Maintain Users of the system
- My Profile - My user information
- Reset Password - Reset Password
- Reset Locked Account - Reset Locked Account for User
- Role - Maintain User Responsibilities
- Role Access Update - Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client
- Copy Role - Copy Role
- Role Data Access - Maintain Data Access Rules
- ToolBar Button Restrict
- Access Audit - Audit of Access to data or resources
- Session Audit - Audit of User Sessions
- Proses Audit - Audit process use
- Change Audit - Audit of data changes
- Archive Viewer - View automatically archived Documents
- Server' - Adempiere Server Maintenance
- Scheduler - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs
- Request Processor - Define Request Processors
- Alert Processor - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs
- Pemroses Alur Kerja - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs
- Accounting Processor - Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs
- Request EMail Processor
- Alur Kerja' - Alur Kerja Adempiere
- Penanggung Jawab Alur Kerja - Responsible for Workflow Execution
- Alur Kerja - Maintain Workflow
- Editor Alur Kerja - Edit Workflows
- Workflow to Client - Move custom workflow elements to the current client
- Aktivitas Alur Kerja (semuanya) - Monitor all Workflow activities
- Aktifitas Alur Kerja - My active workflow activities
- Proses Alur Kerja - Monitor workflow processes
- Printing' - Print Definition
- Print Paper - Maintain Print Paper
- Print Color - Maintain Print Color
- Print Font - Maintain Print Font
- Print Table Format - Define Report Table Format
- Print Format - Maintain Print Format
- Print Format Detail - Print Format Detail Report
- Print Form - Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used
- Label Printer - Maintain Label Printer Definition
- Print Label - Print Label Format
- CollaborationCollaboration and Content Management
- Cache Reset - Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding **
- Aturan Sistem' - Aturan Sistem Yang Umum
- Client Rules' - Maintain Client Rules
- Initial Client Setup Review - Review of system level setup of a new Client
- Setup Wizard
- Client - Maintain Clients/Tenants
- Web Store - Define Web Store
- Merge Entities - Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From
- ASP Subscribed Modules
- Organization Rules
- Organisasi - Maintain Organizations
- Dashboard Content Edit
- Dashboard Preference
- Bank - Maintain Bank
- Payment Processor
- Bank Statement Matcher - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments
- Buku Kas - Maintain Cashbook
- Recurring - Recurring Document
- Data' - Maintain Data
- Utility
- Cantuman - Tangani Cantuman
- Lokasi - Maintain Location Address
- Preference - Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences
- My Unprocessed Documents - My Unprocessed Documents
- Unprocessed Documents (All) - Unprocessed Documents (All)
- Impor Data
- Import Loader Format - Maintain Import Loader Formats
- Import File Loader - Load flat Files into import tables
- Import Business Partner - Import Business Partner
- Import Product - Import Products
- Import Price List - Import Price Lists
- Import Account - Import Natural Account Values
- Import Report Line Set - Import Report Line Sets
- Import Inventory - Import Inventory Transactions
- Import Inventory Move - This window allow import Inventory Move transaction
- Import Order - Import Orders
- Import Invoice - Import Invoices
- Import Confirmations - Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines
- Import Currency Rate - Import Currency Conversion Rates
- Import Payroll Movement - Import Payroll Movement
- Import GL Journal - Import General Ledger Journals
- Import Payment - Import Payments
- Load Bank Statement - Load Bank Statement
- Import Bank Statement - Import Bank Statements
- Delete Import - Delete all data in Import Table
- Replication Data
- Setup Replication - Setup of data replication
- Replication Strategy - Maintain Data Replication Strategy
- Export Format
- Export Format Generator - Create multiple Export Format based in a Window
- Test Export Model - Test Export of XML files
- Test Import Model - Test Import of XML files
- Export Processor
- Export Processor Type
- Import Processor Type
- Import Processor
- Relation Type
- System Issue Report - Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reports
- Utility
- Aturan Umum
Kamus Aplikasi
- Kamus Aplikasi' - Maintain Application Dictionary
- User Window - Define User Window Customization
- Application Packaging' - Import and export packaging
- Pack Out - Create 2pack package
- Pack In - Imports a package
- Packages Installed - List of packages installed
- Package Maintenance - Package installation history and maintenance
Hubungan Partner
- Hubungan Partner' - Customer Relations and Partner Management
- Business Partner Rules
- Business Partner Setup - Setup Business Partner Rules
- Kelompok Partner Bisnis - Maintain Business Partner Groups
- Greeting - Maintain Greetings
- Syarat Pembayaran - Maintain Payment Terms
- Invoice Schedule - Maintain Invoicing Schedule
- Penagihan - Maintain Dunning Levels
- Partner Bisnis - Maintain Business Partners
- Info Partner Bisnis - Document Information of Business Partners
- Business Partner Detail - Business Partner Detail Report
- Buka Partner Bisnis - Business Partner Open Amount
- Validate Business Partner - Check data consistency of Business Partner
- Organisasi Partner Bisnis - Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners
- Pengakuan Pendapatan - Revenue Recognition Rules
- UnLink Business Partner Org - UnLink Business Partner from an Organization
- Position - Maintain Job Positions
- Position Category - Maintain Job Position Categories
- Service' - Service Management
- Sumber Daya - Maintain Resources
- Time Type - Maintain Time Recording Type
- Tipe Biaya - Maintain Expense Report Types
- Klaim Biaya-Biaya - Time and Expense Report
- Expenses (to be invoiced) - View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers
- Create Sales Orders from Expense - Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports
- Expenses (not reimbursed) - View expenses and charges not reimbursed
- Create AP Expense Invoices - Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees
- Request
- Request Setup - Set up the client to process requests
- Request Type - Maintain Request Types
- Request Group - Maintain Request Group
- Request Category - Maintain Request Category
- Request Resolution - Maintain Request Resolutions
- Request Status - Maintain Request Status
- Request Standard Response - Maintain Request Standard Response
- Permintaan (semuanya) - View and work on all requests
- Invoice Requests - Create Invoice for Requests
- Reopen Request - Reopen closed requests
- Interest Area - Interest Area or Topic
- Permintaan - Work on your requests
- Agent Info - Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information
- Mail Template - Maintain Mail Template
- Send Mail Text - Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User
- Business Partner Rules
- Penawaran-ke-Invoice
- Penjualan dan Pemasaran
- Sales Setup - Setup Sales
- Wilayah Penjualan - Maintain Sales Regions
- Komisi - Maintain Commissions and Royalties
- Proses Komisi - Check and modify Commissions
- Commission Run Detail - Commission Run Detail Report
- Kanal Pemasaran - Maintain Marketing Channels
- Kampanye Pemasaran - Maintain Marketing Campaigns
- Order Source
- POS Tender Type
- Order-Order Penjualan
- Order Penjualan - Enter and change sales orders
- Order Detail - Order Detail Report
- Outstanding Orders - Open Order Report
- Order Transactions - Sales Order Transaction Report
- Quote convert - Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order
- RePrice Order/Invoice - Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice
- Generate PO from Sales Order - Create Purchase Order from Sales Orders
- Buka Kembali Order - Buka kembali order yang telah ditutup/terselesaikan
- Order Batch Process - Process Orders in Batch
- POS Key Layout - POS Function Key Layout
- POS Key Generate - Generate POS Keys from products.
- POS Terminal - Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal
- POS - Point Of Sales Terminal
- POS Payment
- Pengiriman-Pengiriman
- Buat Pengiriman (manual) - Select and generate shipments
- Generate Shipments - Generate and print Shipments from open Orders
- Pengiriman (Pelanggan) - Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns
- Shipment Details - Shipment Detail Information
- Package - Manage Shipment Packages
- Invoice Penjualan
- Buat Invoice (manual) - Select and generate invoices
- Generate Invoices - Generate and print Invoices from open Orders
- Invoice (Pelanggan) - Customer Invoice Entry
- Invoice Payment Schedule - Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule
- Cetak Invoice - Print Invoices to paper or send PDF
- Invoice Inquiry
- Invoice Transactions (Acct) - Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date
- Invoice Transactions (Doc) - Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date
- Invoice Detail & Margin - Invoice (Line) Detail and Margin Report
- Invoice Harian - Imvoice Report per Day
- Invoice Mingguan - Imvoice Report per Week
- Invoice Mingguan Per Product - Imvoice Report by Product per Week
- Invoice Bulanan - Imvoice Report per Month
- Invoice Bulanan Per Produk - Imvoice Report by Product per Month
- Invoice Bulanan Per Vendor - Imvoice Report by Product Vendor per Month
- Monthly Invoice Product - Invoice Report by Product per Month
- Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor - Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter
- Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product - Invoice Report by Customer and Product per Quarter
- Quarter Invoice Product - Invoice Report by Product per Quarter
- Penjualan dan Pemasaran
- Permintaan-ke-Invoice
- RfQ Topic - Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers
- RfQ - Manage Request for Quotations
- RfQ Response - Manage RfQ Responses
- RfQ Unanswered - Outstanding RfQ Responses
- RfQ Response - Detail RfQ Responses
- Requisition - Material Requisition
- Create PO from Requisition - Create Purchase Orders from Requisitions
- Open Requisitions - Detail Open Requisition Information
- Order Pembelian - Manage Purchase Orders
- Penerimaan Material - Vendor Shipments (Receipts)
- Material Receipt Details - Material Receipt Detail Information
- Invoice (Supplier) - Vendor Invoice Entry
- Invoice Batch - Expense Invoice Batch
- Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice - Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices
- Matched Purchase Orders - View Matched Purchase Orders
- Invoice Yang Telah Dicocokkkan - View Matched Invoices
- Returns
- RMA Type - Return Material Authorization Type
- Customer Return - Customer Return (Receipts)
- RMA - Manage Return Material Authorization
- Vendor RMA - Manage Return Material Authorization
- Return to Vendor - Vendor Returns
Open Items
- Open Items
- Faktur Pajak - Invoice Tax Reconsiliation
- Outstanding Items - Open Item (Invoice) List
- Aging - Aging Report
- Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss - Invoice Not Realized Gain & Loss Report
- Proses Penagihan - Manage Dunning Runs
- Pembayaran - Process Payments and Receipts
- Detil Pembayaran - Payment Detail Report
- Alokasi Pembayaran - Allocate invoices and payments
- Lihat Alokasi - View and Reverse Allocations
- Alokasi - Payment - Invoice - Allocation
- UnAllocated Invoices - Invoices not allocated to Payments
- UnAllocated Payments - Payments not allocated to Invoices
- Reset Allocation - Reset (delete) allocation of invoices to payments
- Receivables Write-Off - Write off open receivables
- Payment Selection - Select Invoices for Payment
- Seleksi Pembayaran (manual) - Manual Payment Selection
- Payment Print/Export - Print or export your payments
- Payment Batch - Process Payment Patches for EFT
- Bank Statement - Process Bank Statements
- UnReconciled Payments - Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement
- Cash Plan
- Cash Flow Report
- Bank Transfer - Bank Transfer let money tranfer between Banks
Manajemen Material
- Manajemen Material
- Aturan Manajemen Material
- Product Setup - Set up Products
- Gudang & Lokasi Pencarian - Maintain Warehouses and Locators
- Organisasi Gudang - Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse
- Unit of Measure - Maintain Unit of Measure
- Product Category - Maintain Product Categories
- Detil Supplier - Maintain Vendor Details
- Vendor Selection - Products with more than one vendor
- Freight Category - Maintain Freight Categories
- Produk - Maintain Products
- Organisasi Produk - Set and verify Organization ownership of Products
- Price List Setup - Define your Price Lists and Discounts
- Skema Daftar Harga - Maintain Price List Schema
- Daftar Harga - Maintain Product Price Lists
- Skema Diskon - Maintain Trade Discount Schema
- Pengirim - Maintain Shippers
- Verify BOMs - Verify BOM Structures
- Promotion - Setup promotion rule
- Promotion Group - Grouping of product for promotion setup
- Product Attributes
- Lot Control - Product Lot Control
- Serial No Control - Product Serial Number Control
- Atribut - Atribut Produk
- Attribute Set - Maintain Product Attribute Set
- Attribute Set Instance - View Attribute Set Instance detail and use
- Lot - Product Lot Definition
- Product Attribute Grid - Maintain Products with Attributes in a Table Grid
- Transaksi Material - Material Transactions
- Transaction Detail - Transaction Detail Report
- Nilai Transaksi Produk - Product Transaction Value
- Rekap Transaksi Produk - Product Transaction Summary
- Inventory Move - Inventory Move
- Physical Inventory - Enter Physical Inventory
- Internal Use Inventory - Enter Internal Use of Inventory
- Laporan Pengadaan Barang - Laporan Pengadaan Barang (dicocokkan dengan posisi stok akhir)
- Konfirmasi Pengiriman/Penerimaan - Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation
- Open Confirmations - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations
- Open Confirmation Details - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details
- Storage Detail - Storage Detail Report
- Storage per Product
- BOM Drop - Drop (expand) Bill of Materials
- Storage Cleanup - Inventory Storage Cleanup
- Inventory Valuation Report - Inventory Valuation Report
- Material Reference - Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced)
- Aturan Manajemen Material
Manajemen Proyek
- Manajemen Proyek
- Project Setup and Use - Setup of projects and project reporting
- Tipe Proyek - Maintain Project Type and Phase
- Proyek (Layanan) - Maintain Service Projects
- Proyek (Order) - Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders
- Generate PO from Project - Generate PO from Project Line(s)
- Issue to Project - Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location
- Project Lines not Issued - Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project
- Project POs not Issued - Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project
- Project Margin (Work Order) - Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs)
- Laporan Proyek - Maintain Project Reporting Cycles
- Project Cycle Report - Report Projects based on Project Cycle
- Project Detail Accounting Report - Accounting Fact Details of Project
Analisa Performance
- Analisa PerformanceKoleksi dari fungsi-fungsi yang berhubungan dengan akunting
- Aturan Akuntansi
- Accounting Setup - Review and change Accounting Setup
- Kalender Tahunan Dan Periode - Maintain Calendars Years Periods
- Account Element - Maintain Account Elements
- Accounting Dimensions - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees
- Skema Akunting - Maintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-login
- Account Combination - Maintain Valid Account Combinations
- GL Category - Maintain General Ledger Categories
- Tipe Mata Uang - Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types
- Mata Uang - Maintain Currencies
- Rate Mata Uang - Maintain Currency Conversion Rates
- Tax Setup - Setup tax calculation
- Tipe Dokumen - Maintain Document Types
- Dokumen Tandingan - Maintain Counter Document Types
- Periksa Tipe Dokumen - Periksa Tipe Dokumen
- Urutan Dokumen - Maintain System and Document Sequences
- GL Distribution - General Ledger Distribution
- Kategori Pajak - Maintain Tax Categories
- Rate Pajak - Maintain Taxes and their Rates
- Charge Type
- Charge - Maintain Charges
- Buat Tagihan Diluar AR - Generate Charges from natural accounts
- Activity (ABC) - Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing
- GL Budget - Maintain General Ledger Budgets
- Resubmit Posting - Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors
- Global Tax Management
- Tax Group - Tax Groups let you group the business partner with a reference tax.
- Tax Type - Tax Types let you group taxes together.
- Tax Base - Defines tax base for a tax
- Tax Rate Parent - Maintain Taxes and their Rates
- Tax Definition - Lets you define different tax combinations.
- C_Invoce Calculate Tax
- Dokumen yang Belum Di-posting - Unposted Documents
- Reset Accounting - Reset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting **
- Client Accounting Processor - Client Accounting Processor
- Pelaporan Keuangan
- Report Line Set - Maintain Financial Report Line Sets
- Report Column Set - Maintain Financial Report Column Sets
- Reporting Hierarchy - Define Reporting Hierarchy
- Report Cube - Define reporting cube for pre-calculation of summary accounting data.
- Recalculate Cube - Recalculate summary facts based on report cube definitions.
- Financial Report - Maintain Financial Reports
- Statement of Accounts - Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions
- Neraca Percobaan - Trial Balance for a period or date range
- Performance Measurement
- Alert - Adempiere Alert
- Performance Measurement Setup - Setup your Performance Measurement
- Performance Color Schema - Maintain Performance Color Schema
- Performance Measure - Define your Performance Measures
- Performance Measure Calculation - Define how you calculate your performance measures
- Performance Ratio - Maintain Performance Ratios
- Performance Goal - Define Performance Goals
- Performance Benchmark - Performance Benchmark
- Performance Indicators - View Performance Indicators
- Costing
- Tipe Harga Perolehan - Maintain Cost Types
- Elemen Biaya - Maintain Product Cost Element
- Product Costs - Maintain Product Costs
- Create Costing Records - Create Costing Records
- Update Biaya Produk - Sets future cost price and standard cost price
- Rekap Biaya Produk - Product Cost Summary Report
- Biaya Produk - Product Cost Report
- Detil Biaya Produk - Product Invoice Cost Detail Report
- GL Journal - Enter and change Manual Journal Entries
- GL Journal - Enter and change Manual Journal Entries
- Automatic account reconciliation - Reconcile account transactions according to standard rules
- Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual)
- Unreconciled accounting facts
- Accounting Fact Details - Query Accounting Facts
- Fakta Akunting Detil - Accounting Fact Details Report
- Accounting Fact Balances - Query Accounting Daily Balances
- Fakta Akunting Harian - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date
- GL Journal Generator
- Fakta Akunting Per Periode - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period
- Aturan Akuntansi
- Manufacturing
- Quality Test
- Part Type - Manufacturing Part Types
- Parts and BOMs - Maintain Bill of Materials
- Validate BOM Flags - Validate BOM Flags
- Verify BOM Structure - Verify BOM for correctness
- Universal substitution - Substitute one product for another in all BOMs
- BOM Viewer - Shows the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field.
- Indented Bill of Material - Indented BOM report
- Replenish Report incl. Production - Inventory Replenish Report
- Produksi - Production based on Bill of Materials
- Production (Single Product)
- Harta
- Fixed Assets' - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets
- Setup and Maintain' - Setup and maintain assets
- Fixed Assets Setup' - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- Kelompok Harta - Kelompok dari harta harta
- Harta - Asset used internally or by customers
- Inbound Charges for GL - Process invoice charges from GL
- Inbound Charges for AP - Process invoice charges from AP
- Inbound Charge Entry Report - Used to review Assets Inbound Entry
- Inbound Asset Entry - Create Inbound Asset Entry
- Post Imported Assets - Import Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Setup' - Applications to setup and maintain depreciation
- Depreciation Methods - Depreciation Methods
- Depreciation Calculation Method - Define Calculation Methods used in depreciation expense calculation
- Depreciation First Year Conventions - Setup for depreciation Setups
- Depreciation Period Spread Type - Period Spread Type
- Depreciation Tables - Allows users to create multiple depreciation schedules
- Fixed Assets Setup' - Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets
- Processing' - Process Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Processing' - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Build Depreciation Forecast -
- Asset Depreciation Forecast - Used to review Assets Forecast
- Post Depreciation Entry - Create Depreciation Entry
- Splits Transfers and Disposals' - Process Assets Splits Transfers and Disposals
- Asset Split - Split Assets Process
- Asset Split Entry - Used to review Assets Split Entry
- Split Asset Entry - Create Split Asset Entries
- Asset Transfers - Process transfers of assets
- Asset Transfer Entry - Used to review Assets Transfered Entry
- Transfer Asset Entry - Create Transfer Asset Entry
- Asset Disposal - Dispose of Assets
- Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt - Used to review Assets Disposed Entry
- Disposed Asset Entry - Create Disposed Asset Entry
- Asset Revaluation' - Process Asset Revaluations
- Asset Revaluation Processing - Process Revaluation of Assets
- Asset Revaluation Index - Set the Revaluate Assets Index or Factors
- Depreciation Processing' - Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL
- Reporting' - Reporting for fixed assets
- RV_Asset_Parent_Report
- RV_Asset_Group_Defaults - Lists Asset Group Settings & Defaults
- RV_Depreciation_Table
- RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt - Asset Convention Report
- RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods - List Depreciation Calculation Methods Available
- RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method - List Depreciation Methods
- Spread Report
- Setup and Maintain' - Setup and maintain assets
- Customer Service' - Customer Related Assets
- Registrasi - User Asset Registration
- Registration Attributes - Asset Registration Attributes
- Asset Delivery Month - Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month
- Asset Delivery Details - Report Asset Deliveries Details
- Customer Assets - Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count
- Deliver Assets - Deliver Customer Assets electronically
- Fixed Assets' - Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets