OIDC SSO Amazon Cognito

From iDempiere en

Developer: Hengsin

Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-5346

OIDC Setup for Amazon Cognito

Create User Pool

https://console.aws.amazon.com/cognito/home > User pools > Create user pool

Create user pool

Step 1. Select Cognito user pool provider type.

Create User Pool Step 1

Step 2. Configure password and authentication policy.

Create User Pool Step 2

Step 3. Configure sign-up experience.

Create User Pool Step 3

Step 4. Configure email and SMS delivery.

Create User Pool Step 4

Step 5. Setup integration with app.

Create User Pool Step 5

Step 5. Setup cognito domain and select Confidential client.

Create Amazon Cognito User Pool Step 6a

Step 5. Enter app client name and select generate client secret.

Create Amazon Cognito User Pool Step 6b

Step 5. Enter callback URLs.

Create Amazon Cognito User Pool Step 6c

App Client

Copy Client ID and Client Secret

Copy Amazon Cognito App Client Information

Edit Hosted UI. Add Profile to selected OpenID Connect scopes.

Amazon Cognito App Client Hosted UI

Create User

Create Amazon Cognito User

iDempiere SSO Configuration

Application Discovery URI format - https://cognito-idp.[region].amazonaws.com/[userPoolId]/.well-known/openid-configuration

iDempiere Amazon Cognito OIDC SSO Configuration


  • Need to close browser to login with different Amazon Cognito user pool account

See also

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