Plugin: VAT (MTD)

From iDempiere en

Note : this page is under construction


Purpose of the plugin is to allow user to send VAT data directly to the UK government (Making Tax Digital for VAT).

Idea is to have a report which will display amounts.

Once you're happy with them, you will create a record in a VAT declaration window and store them.

Then, you can send them and complete your obligation

Useful links


TBD 2Pack Update Sysconfig key

How to use it

  1. Create a new record in the VAT Declaration window

VAT MTD Screenshot01.png

Fill Date From / To and Save nb ; the PeriodKey field is in readonly and only shown to admins Click on the « Get Period Key & Prepare Declaration » button

VAT MTD Screenshot02.png

=> Identify on goverment site and retrieve the URL ; eg :https://<your_site>/...?code=109c374bbd9445dc922fd5553adcc69e

Copy it in the field and click on the ‘Exchange button’ :

VAT MTD Screenshot03.png

VAT MTD Screenshot04.png

The Period Key field is now filled and lines tab is populated :

VAT MTD Screenshot05.png

It is possible to modify amounts (using « Manual checkbox)

VAT MTD Screenshot06.png

Is also possible to delete lines and reinsert them (using the Prepare VAT Declaration button)

  1. when user is happy with amounts, he will approve the declaration

VAT MTD Screenshot07.png

VAT MTD Screenshot08.png

Choose between Agent/Customer nb : that should be prefilled using a SysConfig key

VAT MTD Screenshot09.png

  1. the declaration is « Finalized », so is ok to send data

VAT MTD Screenshot10.png

VAT MTD Screenshot11.png

VAT MTD Screenshot12.png

The status field keep track of all transmissions :

VAT MTD Screenshot13.png

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