Laporan Perbelanjaan (tetingkap ID-235)

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tetingkap: Laporan Perbelanjaan

Huraian: Time and Expense Report

Bantuan: The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses.

TAB: Laporan Perbelanjaan

Huraian: Time and Expense Report

Bantuan Enter the time and expenses for the Employee or Contractor (Business Partner).
The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted).
Please note that the Business Partner must be an Employee with an Address and Contact!

Fail:Laporan Perbelanjaan - Laporan Perbelanjaan - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nama Nama Huraian Bantuan spesifikasi
Client Klien Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisasi Organizational entity within client Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Document No Nombor Dokumen Dokumenkan jujukan nombor dokumen The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>".

If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(30) NOT NULL
Description Perihal Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Business Partner Rakan Niaga Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Report Date Tarikh Lapor Expense/Time Report Date Date of Expense/Time Report DateReport
timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
Price List Senarai Harga Unique identifier of a Price List Price Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items purchased or sold. M_PriceList_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Approval Amount Jumlah kelulusan Document Approval Amount Approval Amount for Workflow ApprovalAmt
Warehouse Gudang Storage Warehouse and Service Point The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. M_Warehouse_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Approved Diluluskan Indicates if this document requires approval The Approved checkbox indicates if this document requires approval before it can be processed. IsApproved
character(1) NOT NULL
Document Status Status Dokumen The current status of the document The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. If you want to change the document status, use the Document Action field DocStatus
character(2) NOT NULL
Process Expenses Process Expenses null null DocAction
character(2) NOT NULL
Processed Diproses The document has been processed The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. Processed
character(1) NOT NULL

TAB: Report Line

Huraian: Time and Expense Report Line

Bantuan Enter the expense items and billable or non-billable hours. If you enter a non-zero amount in Invoiced Amount, that amount will be used for billing the customer - otherwise the price on the current sales price list of the customer.

Fail:Laporan Perbelanjaan - Report Line - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nama Nama Huraian Bantuan spesifikasi
Client Klien Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisasi Organizational entity within client Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Expense Report Laporan Perbelanjaan Time and Expense Report null S_TimeExpense_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Line No Nombor Garis Unique line for this document Indicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document. Line
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Expense Date Tarikh Perbelanjaan Date of expense Date of expense DateExpense
timestamp without time zone
Time Report Laporan Waktu Line is a time report only (no expense) The line contains only time information IsTimeReport
character(1) NOT NULL
Invoiced Diinvoiskan It is invoiced Indicator if invoiced IsInvoiced
character(1) NOT NULL
Product Produk Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID
Resource Assignment Tugasan Sumber Tugasan Sumber null S_ResourceAssignment_ID
Quantity Kuantiti Kuantiti The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. Qty
UOM UOM Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique non monetary Unit of Measure C_UOM_ID
Table Direct
Expense Amount Aamun Perbelanjaan Amount for this expense Expense amount in currency ExpenseAmt
Currency Matawang The Currency for this record Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record C_Currency_ID
Table Direct
Invoice Price Harga Invois Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. InvoicePrice
Converted Amount Amaun Ditukarkan Amaun Ditukarkan The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. ConvertedAmt
Description Perihal Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Note Nota Optional additional user defined information The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record Note
character varying(255)
Business Partner Rakan Niaga Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
Campaign Kempen Kampanye Pemasaran The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. C_Campaign_ID
Table Direct
Project Projek Financial Project A Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities. C_Project_ID
Table Direct
Project Phase Fasa Projek Phase of a Project null C_ProjectPhase_ID
Table Direct
Project Task Tugasan Projek Actual Project Task in a Phase A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. C_ProjectTask_ID
Table Direct
Activity Pembahagian Aktifitas Bisnis Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing C_Activity_ID
Table Direct
Processed Diproses The document has been processed The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. Processed
character(1) NOT NULL
Quantity Reimbursed Kuantiti Bayar Balik The reimbursed quantity The reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. QtyReimbursed
Price Reimbursed Harga Bayar Balik The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list) The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. PriceReimbursed

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