Plugin: Unicenta POS
From iDempiere en
- Maintainers: Red1 (talk) - AND Eduardo GIL (egil(at)ghintech(dot)com) with live client users in Panama.
- Current Version: 4.6
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch
- Forum: Red1 Forum
- Demo: YouTube
- Source:
- This work is the latest improvement by Eduardo Gil upon Red1's Plugin:_Openbravo_POS integration.
- The forum describes its review progress, which will be summarised here.
- What is important is that it remains public domain and open source with no information hiding
- Its source is accessible easily and quite active with more worldwide developers working together on it.
- Restaurants can use this in conjunction with Plugin:_AutoBOMOrder
- This POS Needs posintegration plugin that you can find here.
Other Distros
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.