Marketing Committee Meeting 20200717

From iDempiere en

Date: 2020-07-17
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

  • Participation
    • Meeting led by: Diego
    • Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
    • Attendance list: Eugene, Diego, Carlos, Chuck Boecking, Lukas Nosalek, Martin Schönbeck

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Improvements
    • Bug fixes
    • Disable preview over a certain file size to avoid hanging the server
    • 2Pack fixes
    • Material Receipt fix
    • Improved Web services layer
    • WTableDirEditor don't show inactive items from cache
  2. Community day poll results - how to proceed?
    • July triage day on July 30th. Continuing doing the triage day was the most voted option
  3. How to engage people on testing pull request more actively.
  4. What is expected/wanted for the website and wiki
    • If someone from the community wants to suggest a new theme for the wiki, the door is open for suggestions, we don't pursue actively this until later.
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