Applying additional Migration Scripts

From iDempiere en

Table of Contents | Configuring iDempiere within Eclipse | Applying additional Migration Scripts | Running iDempiere within Eclipse

Automated way

In the console, go to the $IDEMPIERE_REPOSITORY folder and execute the following command:


Verify there are no errors.

IMPORTANT: in case of errors you must solve the error and then execute the command again.

NOTE: If you want to review the output of specific migration scripts, the script leaves the output of every script executed in a folder /tmp/SyncDB_out_[##] - where number is a "random" numeric value (process ID of the running script)

NOTE FOR WINDOWS: There is not a batch file to run in windows, but if you install git, this installs a "git bash" command that can execute without problem

Manual way (not recommended)

First get the list of all the migration scripts from here:

ls $IDEMPIERE_REPOSITORY/migration/*/postgresql

Now get the list of all the migration scripts already applied in the database from psql with this command:

select name from ad_migrationscript order by 1

Compare the list of migration scripts with the contents of your AD_MigrationScript table. Apply all the migration scripts pending to apply, in order of file name.

Please check carefully the output of each migration scripts, if you find errors, try to solve it, or ask for help on the support forums

You must repeat the previous for each unapplied migration script, it's recommended also to take note of the last applied for future reference.

This How-To is brought to you by Carlos Ruiz from BX Service GmbH. Feel free to improve directly or suggest using the Discussion tab.

Table of Contents | Configuring iDempiere within Eclipse | Applying additional Migration Scripts | Running iDempiere within Eclipse

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