> Category:Available Plugins > JPiere - Top
- Maintainer: Hagiwara Hideaki in JAPAN (I'm sorry for my poor English. Please modify correctly if my English expressions are mistaken.)
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch
- Source: GitHub JPiere repository
- Install Package: OSDN
- Japanese:JPiere Lab
Overview of JPiere
- JPiere is “Japan + iDempiere”.
- JPiere is Plugins of iDempiere for Japan and JPiere is Distribution(Distro) of iDempiere for Japan.
- JPiere provides not only Japanese business practice, but also various functions.So, Everybody in the world can use JPiere.
- JPiere can update latest iDempiere. So, JPiere don’t need fork from iDempiere. To fork from JPiere is Good idea! But not need fork from iDempiere!
- Data base of JPiere is PostgreSQL only.
- UI of JPiere is Web-UI only.
About JPiere
JPiere Plugins(JPPS)
- JPiere Plugins(JPPS) are plugins that are not relation a Japanese business practice. JPPS is useful for not only Japanese, but also everybody.
- Everybody can select to install plugin. Independent other JPiere plugins.
- Representative plugin
JPiere Base Plugin(JPBP)
- JPiere Base Plugin(JPBP) provides many function to support a Japanese business practice. JPBP is only one plugin.
JPiere Fragments(JPFS)
- JPiere Fragments(JPFS) is plugin that is fragment of OSGi.
JPiere Configurations(JPCS)
- JPiere Configurations(JPCS) customizes iDempiere only by parameter setting.
- We need many parameter setting at iDempiere. So, JPCS optimize parameter setting beforehand.
- JPCS is not Plugin.JPCS is Dump File of PostgreSQL(Seed).
JPiere Modifications(JPMS)
- JPiere Modifications(JPMS) is fragment of OSGi that impact core of iDempiere. If We have to modify core source code of iDempiere, We develop it as JPMS.
- Technically, JPMS is to use Fragment of OSGi as Patch.
Installation of JPiere
- Installation of JPiere is same as installation of iDempiere basically,
- To make intelligible, Version number of JPiere is same as version number of iDempiere.
Version Information of JPiere
Release Note of JPiere3.1
- Release Note of JPiere3.1.
Development environment establishment
- How to establish of JPiere development environment.