From iDempiere en
> JPiere - Top > About JPiere > JPCS
- Creator: Hagiwara Hideaki in JAPAN
- Repository: JPiere Configurations
- Install Package: OSDN
- Distro: JPiere (Japan + iDempiere)
- Japanese:JPiere Configurations
- If you want to try a function of JPCS, please install JPiere.
- Installation of JPiere is same as installation of iDempiere basically.
- So, it is easiest way for the people who already installed iDempiere.
- If you install JPiere, you can try JPCS soon.
- JPiere Configurations(JPCS) customizes iDempiere only by parameter setting.
- We need many parameter setting at iDempiere. So, JPCS optimize parameter setting beforehand.
- JPCS is not Plugin.JPCS is Dump File of PostgreSQL.
Things to be aware of when using
- There is the dump file of postgreSQL in /data folder(Directory) in JPCS repository. It was named "ExpDat.dmp".
- JPCS is not only JPCS's parameter setting. JPCS includes JPPS, JPBP, JPMS, JPFS parameter setting.
If you want to use JPCS only
If you want to use JPCS only, you have to update data as follows
IsActive = 'N' at Model validetor(AD_ModelValidato Table)
JPBP use Model validator. So, if you want to use JPCS only, you must invalidate Model validator that is used by JPBP.
UPDATE adempiere.ad_modelvalidator SET isactive='N';
ZK_THEME = default at System configurator(AD_SysConfig Table)
JCPS is setting JPiere theme there is in JPFS to ZK_THEME at System configurator. So, if you want to use JPCS only, you must set "dafault" to ZK_THEME.
UPDATE adempiere.ad_sysconfig SET value='default' WHERE ad_sysconfig_id=200021;
Pages in category "JPCS"
This category contains only the following page.