GL Distribution (Vindue ID-323)

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Vindue: GL Distribution

Beskrivelse: General Ledger Distribution

Hjælp: If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines.

TAB: Distribution

Beskrivelse: General Ledger Distribution

Hjælp If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the percentage of the lines. If the total percent is less then 100 and one line is 0 (null), it gets the remainder. If there is no line with 0, any rounding is adjusted in the line with the biggest amount.

Fil:GL Distribution - Distribution - Vindue (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Navn Navn Beskrivelse Hjælp Specifikationer
Client Firma Firmaet i installationen. Det kan være en virksomhed eller juridisk enhed. Du kan ikke dele data mellem firmaer. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisation Organisatorisk enhed i firmaet En organisation er en enhed i firmaet eller juridisk enhed, f.eks. butik, varehus. Du kan dele data mellem organisationer. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Name Navn Alfanumerisk markør til objektet Navnet på et objekt (eller post) bruges som en startsøgeværdi ud over søgenøglen. Du kan skrive 60 tegn. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Beskrivelse Valgfri kort beskrivelse af posten Du kan skrive op til 255 tegn. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Hjælp/kommentar Kommentar eller hjælptekst Feltet rummer gode råd eller vejledning om dette punkt. Help
character varying(2000)
Active Aktiv Posten er aktiv i systemet Du kan låse poster på 2 måder i systemet: Først kan du slette posten, eller du kan deaktivere posten. En deaktiveret post kan ikke vælges, men indgår i rapporter. Der er 2 grunde til vælge deaktivering frem for sletning af poster: (1) Systemet skal kunne råde over posten aht. revision. (2) Posten er knyttet til andre poster. Du kan f.eks. ikke slette en handelspartner, hvis der findes fakturaer, der knytter sig til vedkommende. I stedet deaktiveres forbindelsen, således at han/hun ikke indgår i fremtidige posteringer. IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Accounting Schema Regnskabsopstilling Principperne bag regnskabet En regnskabsopstilling definerer de regler, der bruges ved bogføring, f.eks. kostprismetode, valuta og kalender. C_AcctSchema_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Create Reversal Create Reversal Indicates that reversal movement will be created, if disabled the original movement will be deleted. null IsCreateReversal
character(1) NOT NULL
PostingType Type bogført Den beløbstype, som journalen har opdateret Her angives den beløbstype (Faktisk, Hensættelse, Budget), som journalen har opdateret. PostingType
Document Type Bilagstype Bilagstype eller -regler Bilagstypen bestemmer bilagsserien og behandlingsregler. C_DocType_ID
Table Direct
Any Organization Any Organization Match any value of the Organization segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyOrg
character(1) NOT NULL
Organization Organisation Organisatorisk enhed i firmaet En organisation er en enhed i firmaet eller juridisk enhed, f.eks. butikker, indkøbscentre. Org_ID
Any Account Any Account Match any value of the Account segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyAcct
character(1) NOT NULL
Account Konto Anvendt konto Den anvendte (basis)konto. Account_ID
Any Activity Any Activity Match any value of the Activity segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyActivity
character(1) NOT NULL
Activity Aktivitet Forretningsaktivitet Her angives opgaver, som udføres og bruges ifm. akvitetsbaseret kostprisberegning. C_Activity_ID
Table Direct
Any Product Any Product Match any value of the Product segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyProduct
character(1) NOT NULL
Product Produkt Produkt, ydelse, vare Angiver en vare, som enten indkøbes til eller sælges af organisationen. M_Product_ID
Any Bus.Partner Any Bus.Partner Match any value of the Business Partner segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyBPartner
character(1) NOT NULL
Business Partner Handelspartner Angiver en handelspartner En handelspartner er alle, du handler med. Det kan f.eks. leverandører, kunder, medarbejdere eller sælgere. C_BPartner_ID
Any Project Any Project Match any value of the Project segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyProject
character(1) NOT NULL
Project Projekt Angiver et entydigt projekt Projekt-ID er en bruger-defineret markør for et projekt C_Project_ID
Any Campaign Any Campaign Match any value of the Campaign segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyCampaign
character(1) NOT NULL
Campaign Kampagne Marketingskampagne Her defineres et entydigt salgsfremmende program. Projekter kan knyttes til en eksisterende marketingskampagne. Du kan herefter afrapportere ud fra en bestemt kampagne. C_Campaign_ID
Table Direct
Any Location From Any Location From Match any value of the Location From segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyLocFrom
character(1) NOT NULL
Location From Fra-sted Sted, som lager blev flyttet fra Her angives det sted, som et produkt blev flyttet fra. C_LocFrom_ID
Any Location To Any Location To Match any value of the Location To segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyLocTo
character(1) NOT NULL
Location To Til-sted Sted, som lager blev flyttet til Her angives det sted, som et produkt blev flyttet til. C_LocTo_ID
Any Sales Region Any Sales Region Match any value of the Sales Region segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnySalesRegion
character(1) NOT NULL
Sales Region Distrikt Salgsdistriktsområde Her angives et bestemt salgsområde. C_SalesRegion_ID
Table Direct
Any Trx Organization Any Trx Organization Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyOrgTrx
character(1) NOT NULL
Trx Organization Trans.-organisation Udførende eller initiativorganisation Den organisation, som udfører eller tager initiativ til transaktionen (for en anden organisation). Hovedorganisationen behøver ikke at være transaktionsorganisationen i et tjenestemiljø, med centraliserede tjenester og interne transaktioner. AD_OrgTrx_ID
Any User 1 Any User 1 Match any value of the User 1 segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyUser1
character(1) NOT NULL
User List 1 Bruger1 Brugerdefineret element #1 Her vises de valgfrie elementer, som er defineret til denne kontokombination. User1_ID
Any User 2 Any User 2 Match any value of the User 2 segment If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). AnyUser2
character(1) NOT NULL
User List 2 Bruger2 Brugerdefineret element #2 Her vises de valgfrie elementer, som er defineret til denne kontokombination. User2_ID
Total Percent Total Percent Sum of the Percent details null PercentTotal
numeric NOT NULL
Valid Gyldig Elementet er gyldigt Validering af elementet forløb uden problemer. IsValid
character(1) NOT NULL
Verify Verify Verify GL Distribution null Processing

TAB: Line

Beskrivelse: General Ledger Distribution Target Line

Hjælp If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the perecent value of the lines. A Percent value of 0 (null) indicates the remainder to 100. There can only be one line with 0 percent.

Fil:GL Distribution - Line - Vindue (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Navn Navn Beskrivelse Hjælp Specifikationer
Client Firma Firmaet i installationen. Det kan være en virksomhed eller juridisk enhed. Du kan ikke dele data mellem firmaer. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisation Organisatorisk enhed i firmaet En organisation er en enhed i firmaet eller juridisk enhed, f.eks. butik, varehus. Du kan dele data mellem organisationer. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
GL Distribution GL Distribution General Ledger Distribution If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. GL_Distribution_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Line No Linjenr. Entydig linje for bilaget Angiver den entydige linje for et bilag. Her styres også rækkefølgen i visningen af linjer i et bilag. Line
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Active Aktiv Posten er aktiv i systemet Du kan låse poster på 2 måder i systemet: Først kan du slette posten, eller du kan deaktivere posten. En deaktiveret post kan ikke vælges, men indgår i rapporter. Der er 2 grunde til vælge deaktivering frem for sletning af poster: (1) Systemet skal kunne råde over posten aht. revision. (2) Posten er knyttet til andre poster. Du kan f.eks. ikke slette en handelspartner, hvis der findes fakturaer, der knytter sig til vedkommende. I stedet deaktiveres forbindelsen, således at han/hun ikke indgår i fremtidige posteringer. IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Description Beskrivelse Valgfri kort beskrivelse af posten Du kan skrive op til 255 tegn. Description
character varying(255)
Percent Procent Tilbageholdelsesprocent Her angives den procent, der bruges ifm. tilbageholdelse. Percent
numeric NOT NULL
Overwrite Organization Overwrite Organization Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteOrg
character(1) NOT NULL
Organization Organisation Organisatorisk enhed i firmaet En organisation er en enhed i firmaet eller juridisk enhed, f.eks. butikker, indkøbscentre. Org_ID
Overwrite Account Overwrite Account Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteAcct
character(1) NOT NULL
Account Konto Anvendt konto Den anvendte (basis)konto. Account_ID
Overwrite Activity Overwrite Activity Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteActivity
character(1) NOT NULL
Activity Aktivitet Forretningsaktivitet Her angives opgaver, som udføres og bruges ifm. akvitetsbaseret kostprisberegning. C_Activity_ID
Table Direct
Overwrite Product Overwrite Product Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteProduct
character(1) NOT NULL
Product Produkt Produkt, ydelse, vare Angiver en vare, som enten indkøbes til eller sælges af organisationen. M_Product_ID
Overwrite Bus.Partner Overwrite Bus.Partner Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteBPartner
character(1) NOT NULL
Business Partner Handelspartner Angiver en handelspartner En handelspartner er alle, du handler med. Det kan f.eks. leverandører, kunder, medarbejdere eller sælgere. C_BPartner_ID
Overwrite Project Overwrite Project Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteProject
character(1) NOT NULL
Project Projekt Angiver et entydigt projekt Projekt-ID er en bruger-defineret markør for et projekt C_Project_ID
Table Direct
Overwrite Campaign Overwrite Campaign Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteCampaign
character(1) NOT NULL
Campaign Kampagne Marketingskampagne Her defineres et entydigt salgsfremmende program. Projekter kan knyttes til en eksisterende marketingskampagne. Du kan herefter afrapportere ud fra en bestemt kampagne. C_Campaign_ID
Table Direct
Overwrite Location From Overwrite Location From Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteLocFrom
character(1) NOT NULL
Location From Fra-sted Sted, som lager blev flyttet fra Her angives det sted, som et produkt blev flyttet fra. C_LocFrom_ID
Overwrite Location To Overwrite Location To Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteLocTo
character(1) NOT NULL
Location To Til-sted Sted, som lager blev flyttet til Her angives det sted, som et produkt blev flyttet til. C_LocTo_ID
Overwrite Sales Region Overwrite Sales Region Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteSalesRegion
character(1) NOT NULL
Sales Region Distrikt Salgsdistriktsområde Her angives et bestemt salgsområde. C_SalesRegion_ID
Table Direct
Overwrite Trx Organuzation Overwrite Trx Organuzation Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteOrgTrx
character(1) NOT NULL
Trx Organization Trans.-organisation Udførende eller initiativorganisation Den organisation, som udfører eller tager initiativ til transaktionen (for en anden organisation). Hovedorganisationen behøver ikke at være transaktionsorganisationen i et tjenestemiljø, med centraliserede tjenester og interne transaktioner. AD_OrgTrx_ID
Overwrite User1 Overwrite User1 Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteUser1
character(1) NOT NULL
User List 1 Bruger1 Brugerdefineret element #1 Her vises de valgfrie elementer, som er defineret til denne kontokombination. User1_ID
Overwrite User2 Overwrite User2 Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. OverwriteUser2
character(1) NOT NULL
User List 2 Bruger2 Brugerdefineret element #2 Her vises de valgfrie elementer, som er defineret til denne kontokombination. User2_ID

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