Отчитане и обработка (прозорец ID-165)

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прозорец: Отчитане и обработка

описание: Поддържане на отчети и процеси

помощ: Прозорецът за отчет и обработка се използва за да се дефинират параметрите и правилата за достъп за всеки отчет и процес ва рамките на системата. Прозорецът е за употреба само от системния админитратор.

TAB: Отчитане и обработка

описание: Define Report & Process

помощ The Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. Please note that the Print Format is only used for Document Print when you want to share a common format defined on System level. For normal reports and formats, you would not define a Print Format here, but modify the generated print format and set it as the default.

Файл:Отчитане и обработка - Отчитане и обработка - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име описание помощ спецификации
Client Фирма Фирма Фирма AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организация Подразделение на клиента An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Search Key Код Ключ за търсене на записа в подходящ формат - трябва да е уникален A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(40) NOT NULL
Name Наименование Не повече от 60 знака The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Описание Описание (не повече 255 символа) A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Коментар/Помощ Коментар/Помощ The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)
Active Активен Записа е активен Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Beta Functionality Beta Functionality This functionality is considered Beta Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. IsBetaFunctionality
character(1) NOT NULL
Entity Type Вид цялост Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Compiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten.

For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"!

character varying(40) NOT NULL
Data Access Level Ниво на достъп Необходимо е определено Ниво на достъп Indicates the access level required for this record or process. AccessLevel
character(1) NOT NULL
Report Справка Indicates a Report record The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process IsReport
character(1) NOT NULL
Server Process Server Process Run this Process on Server only Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. IsServerProcess
character(1) NOT NULL
Classname Име на класа Име на java-класа The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. Classname
character varying(255)
Procedure Процедура Процедура БД The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. ProcedureName
character varying(60)
Workflow Работен процес Последователност на работите The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. AD_Workflow_ID
Table Direct
Special Form Специален формуляр Специален формуляр The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. AD_Form_ID
Table Direct
Report View Изглед на отчета Изглед, който се исползва за създаване на справката The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. AD_ReportView_ID
Table Direct
Direct print Директен печат Директен печат, без диалогов прозорец за печат The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. IsDirectPrint
Print Format Формат отпечатване Data Print Format The print format determines how data is rendered for print. AD_PrintFormat_ID
Table Direct
Show Help Show Help null null ShowHelp
Statistic Count Статистика Internal statistics how often the entity was used For internal use. Statistic_Count
Statistic Seconds Вторична Статистика Internal statistics how many seconds a process took For internal use Statistic_Seconds
Jasper Report Jasper Report null null JasperReport
character varying(255)
Copy From Report and Process Copy From Report and Process Copy settings from one report and process to another. Copy the settings from the selected report and process to the current one. This overwrites existing settings and translations. CopyFromProcess

TAB: Превод на отчет

описание: null

помощ null

Файл:Отчитане и обработка - Превод на отчет - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име описание помощ спецификации
Client Фирма Фирма Фирма AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организация Подразделение на клиента An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Process Обработка Процес или Справка The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system. AD_Process_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Language Език Език за този партньор The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting AD_Language
character varying(6) NOT NULL
Active Активен Записа е активен Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Translated Прехвърлено This column is translated The Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated. IsTranslated
character(1) NOT NULL
Name Наименование Не повече от 60 знака The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Описание Описание (не повече 255 символа) A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Коментар/Помощ Коментар/Помощ The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)

TAB: Достъп до отчети

описание: Достъп до отчети

помощ The Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or process

Файл:Отчитане и обработка - Достъп до отчети - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име описание помощ спецификации
Client Фирма Фирма Фирма AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организация Подразделение на клиента An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Process Обработка Процес или Справка The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system. AD_Process_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Role Роля Responsibility Role The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. AD_Role_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Active Активен Записа е активен Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Read Write Четене/Запис Field is read / write The Read Write indicates that this field may be read and updated. IsReadWrite
character(1) NOT NULL

TAB: Параметър

описание: Report Parameter

помощ The Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters required to execute a report or process.

Файл:Отчитане и обработка - Параметър - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име описание помощ спецификации
Process Parameter Параметър на процеса null null AD_Process_Para_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Client Фирма Фирма Фирма AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организация Подразделение на клиента An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Process Обработка Процес или Справка The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system. AD_Process_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Name Наименование Не повече от 60 знака The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Описание Описание (не повече 255 символа) A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Коментар/Помощ Коментар/Помощ The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)
Active Активен Записа е активен Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Entity Type Вид цялост Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Compiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten.

For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"!

character varying(40) NOT NULL
Centrally maintained Централизиран Централизиран The Centrally Maintained checkbox indicates if the Name, Description and Help maintained in 'System Element' table or 'Window' table. IsCentrallyMaintained
character(1) NOT NULL
Sequence Последователност Последователност на въвеждане на редовете The Sequence indicates the order of records SeqNo
numeric(10) NOT NULL
DB Column Name Колона в БД Име на колоната в БД The Column Name indicates the name of a column on a table as defined in the database. ColumnName
character varying(30) NOT NULL
System Element Елемент Системен елемент, позволяващ организацията на описанията, терминологиите и HELP за информационна колона ? The System Element allows for the central maintenance of help, descriptions and terminology for a database column. AD_Element_ID
Reference Референция System Reference and Validation The Reference could be a display type, list or table validation. AD_Reference_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Reference Key Значение по препратка ако типът данни Таблица или Списък The Reference Value indicates where the reference values are stored. It must be specified if the data type is Table or List. AD_Reference_Value_ID
Value Format Формат Може да садържа както фиксирани елементи така и променливи: "_lLoOaAcCa09" Validation elements:
 (Space) any character

_ Space (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z NO space L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case o any Letter a..Z or space O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case a any Letters & Digits NO space A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case c any Letters & Digits or space C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space 9 Digits 0..9 or space

Example of format "(000)_000-0000"

character varying(20)
Dynamic Validation Проверка Правило за проверка These rules define how an entry is determined to valid. You can use variables for dynamic (context sensitive) validation. AD_Val_Rule_ID
Table Direct
Length Дължина Length of the column in the database The Length indicates the length of a column as defined in the database. FieldLength
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Mandatory Задължителен Data entry is required in this column The field must have a value for the record to be saved to the database. IsMandatory
character(1) NOT NULL
Range Обхват The parameter is a range of values The Range checkbox indicates that this parameter is a range of values. IsRange
character(1) NOT NULL
Default Logic Логика Стойности по подразбиране, разделени ; The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. DefaultValue
character varying(2000)
Default Logic 2 Логика 2 Стойности по подразбиране, разделени ; The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. DefaultValue2
character varying(2000)
Min. Value Минимално значение Minimum Value for a field The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. ValueMin
character varying(20)
Max. Value Макс. стойност Максимална стойност за полето Това поле показва най-високата допустима стойност за даденото поле ValueMax
character varying(20)
Read Only Logic Само за четене/Логика Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write) format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]

expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}
logic := {|}|{&}
context := any global or window context
value := strings or numbers
logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right
operand := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{~,!}
@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER
@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@
Strings may be in single quotes (optional)

character varying(2000)
Display Logic Логика на изобразяването Логика на изобразяването format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]

expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}
logic := {|}|{&}
context := any global or window context
value := strings or numbers
logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right
operand := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{~,!}
@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER
@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@
Strings may be in single quotes (optional)

character varying(2000)

TAB: Превод на параметри

описание: null

помощ null

Файл:Отчитане и обработка - Превод на параметри - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

име име описание помощ спецификации
Client Фирма Фирма Фирма AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Организация Подразделение на клиента An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Process Parameter Параметър на процеса null null AD_Process_Para_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Language Език Език за този партньор The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting AD_Language
character varying(6) NOT NULL
Active Активен Записа е активен Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) IsActive
character(1) NOT NULL
Translated Прехвърлено This column is translated The Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated. IsTranslated
character(1) NOT NULL
Name Наименование Не повече от 60 знака The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Описание Описание (не повече 255 символа) A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Коментар/Помощ Коментар/Помощ The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)

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