Група активи (прозорец ID-252)
прозорец: Група активи
описание: Група активи
помощ: The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.
TAB: Група активи
описание: Група активи
помощ The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.
Файл:Група активи - Група активи - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
име | име | описание | помощ | спецификации |
Client | Фирма | Фирма | Фирма | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | Организация | Подразделение на клиента | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Name | Наименование | Не повече от 60 знака | The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. | Name character varying(60) NOT NULL String |
Description | Описание | Описание (не повече 255 символа) | A description is limited to 255 characters. | Description character varying(255) String |
Comment/Help | Коментар/Помощ | Коментар/Помощ | The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. | Help character varying(2000) Text |
Active | Активен | Записа е активен | Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) | IsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Owned | Owned | The asset is owned by the organization | The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization | IsOwned character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Depreciate | Depreciate | The asset will be depreciated | The asset is used internally and will be depreciated | IsDepreciated character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
One Asset Per UOM | One Asset Per UOM | Create one asset per UOM | If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. | IsOneAssetPerUOM character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Create As Active | Create As Active | Create Asset and activate it | You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information | IsCreateAsActive character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
TAB: Group Account
описание: Setup for Group Accounts
помощ Setup of Group Accounts allows the user to set the default values for a particular asset group. If "Use as defaults" on this tab is checked then the predefined values on this tab will be populated in the appropriate fields for an individual asset.
Файл:Група активи - Group Account - прозорец (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
име | име | описание | помощ | спецификации |
Client | Фирма | Фирма | Фирма | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Organization | Организация | Подразделение на клиента | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Asset Group | Група активи | Група активи | The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. | A_Asset_Group_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
Accounting Schema | Счетоводна схема | Правила по които се води счетоводството | An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar | C_AcctSchema_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL Table Direct |
PostingType | Тип проводки? | The type of posted amount for the transaction | The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation, Commitment, Statistical) the transaction. | PostingType character(1) NOT NULL List |
DepreciationType | DepreciationType | null | null | DepreciationType character varying(10) NOT NULL Table |
Depreciation Manual Amount | A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount | null | null | A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount numeric Amount |
Depreciation Table Header | A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID | null | null | A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID numeric(10) Table |
Depreciation Manual Period | A_Depreciation_Manual_Period | null | null | A_Depreciation_Manual_Period character varying(2) List |
Depreciation Variable Perc. | A_Depreciation_Variable_Perc | null | null | A_Depreciation_Variable_Perc numeric Number |
Asset Spread Type | A_Asset_Spread_Type | null | null | A_Asset_Spread_Type character varying(10) Table |
Depreciation Calculation Type | Depreciation Calculation Type | null | null | A_Depreciation_Calc_Type character varying(10) NOT NULL Table |
ConventionType | ConventionType | null | null | ConventionType character varying(10) NOT NULL Table |
Split Percentage | Split Percentage | null | null | A_Split_Percent numeric NOT NULL Number |
Usable Life - Years | Usable Life - Years | Years of the usable life of the asset | null | UseLifeYears numeric(10) Integer |
Usable Life - Months | Usable Life - Months | Months of the usable life of the asset | null | UseLifeMonths numeric(10) Integer |
Process Now | Обработи сега | null | null | Processing character(1) Yes-No |
Active | Активен | Записа е активен | Всеки запис може да бъде напълно изтрит или направен неактивен (при неактивност записа няма да бъде достъпен) | IsActive character(1) Yes-No |
Asset Cost Account | Asset Cost Account | null | null | A_Asset_Acct numeric(10) Account |
Accumulated Depreciation | Accumulated Depreciation | null | null | A_Accumdepreciation_Acct numeric(10) Account |
Depreciation Expense Account | Depreciation Expense Account | null | null | A_Depreciation_Acct numeric(10) Account |
Disposal Revenue | Disposal Revenue | null | null | A_Disposal_Revenue character varying(22) Account |
Loss on Disposal | Loss on Disposal | null | null | A_Disposal_Loss character varying(22) Account |
Revaluation Calculation Method | Revaluation Calculation Method | null | null | A_Reval_Cal_Method character varying(22) List |
Revaluation Cost Offset for Current Year | Revaluation Cost Offset for Current Year | null | null | A_Reval_Cost_Offset character varying(22) Account |
Revaluation Cost Offset for Prior Year | Revaluation Cost Offset for Prior Year | null | null | A_Reval_Cost_Offset_Prior character varying(22) Account |
Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Current Year | Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Current Year | null | null | A_Reval_Accumdep_Offset_Cur character varying(22) Account |
Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Prior Year | Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Prior Year | null | null | A_Reval_Accumdep_Offset_Prior character varying(22) Account |
Revaluation Expense Offs | Revaluation Expense Offs | null | null | A_Reval_Depexp_Offset character varying(22) Account |