Plugin: RED1 NINJA
From iDempiere en
- Creator: Red1 (talk) -
- Current Version: 3.1
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch (There is no warranty for production use and you need to pay a consultant to provide it.)
- Source:
- Download: SourceForge
- Forum:
- Movie: YouTube Demo
- This is evolved from Plugin:_Aladdin_Magic_Plugin to become even more magical.
- Scripts combined under common menu to make complete ERP models in one go.
- Testing 'All Nodes' mode to test all menu sets.
- Blank Sample plugin for fast deployment of new code stubs.
- Sequence execution to resolve dependency of model on each other.
- Completed scripts set IsActive box off. Setting back ON can redo.
- Send changes easily to another setup as a record set either PackOut or Excel format.
- Delete Model giving unpack or 'plugout' effect.
- Readymade working sample in plugin as instant cheat sheet reference.
- Able to specify different Window Field name for same base column reference (DONE)
- DocStatus-Action Workflow Structure (DONE)
- Kanban Board on the fly generation (DONE)
- Info-Window Reporting of selection (DONE)
- CSV Import generate Model and Menu on the fly (DONE)
How To
- Use Red1 Forum as guide.
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.