Plugin: Android Scan Write
From iDempiere en
- Sponsor: SYSNOVA, Bangladesh, thanks to Zeeshan Hasan.
- Creator: Red1 (talk) -
- Current Version: 1.1
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch (There is no warranty for production use and you need to pay a consultant to provide it.)
- Source-Code: GitHub
- Download APK: ScanWriteX.X-apk
- Technical Forum: Red1 Forum
- Demo Movie: YouTube Demo
- A minimal Android Mobile project connecting to iDempiere besides the highly complex SFAndroid/SpinSuite that its creators have no intention to work with the also equally complex iDempiere ERP project.
- A completely originally done project managed by me so that I can answer, maintain and improve it without reference to an alien project that no one can properly address.
- Thus the project source-code easily understood and modifiable with no debugging hassle.
- With well described instructions in technical forum to guide developers and users.
Source-Code Highlights
- Using Android Studio SDK version 25 usable backward minimal 15.
- Only two simple short main classes to read and maintain
- Integration to download ZXing Barcode scanner that is set to read up to QR code.
- Reference how I solve simple developer issues:
- Connecting to Postgres database directly
- Handling basic activity and views
- AsyncTask handling of UI thread
- SQL writing made to be open and dynamic for any table-field to be updated directly.
- QR-code printout format: UPDATE [Table] SET [Set]=[Set2] WHERE [Where]=[Where2]
- Optimal response popup of success/fails
- Handle multiple scans before Update DB
- Immediate Kanban board reflection for high user experience.
- Part of new in-progress WMS3 project sponsored by SYSNOVA.
- Performance for using direct jdbc connection instead of Web Services
- It is not an issue for low controlled offloading updates. iDempiere server also need not be up for 24X7 shopfloor operations.
- Security
- Can be controlled by many other means as this is Open Source for implementor to harden it. Code is only two main classes, very short for fast understanding.
- Logging
- Is automatic by use of pg_log at Postgresql level.
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.