NF3.0 CSV Importer Single Transaction

From iDempiere en

Feature: CSV Importer Single Transaction

Goal: Usability

Contributor: Diego Ruiz - Thomas Bayen - BXService GmbH, Krefeld

Developer: Diego Ruiz


This new feature extends the functionality of the CSV Importer

Now you can configure a csv file to manage a single transaction for the whole file instead of a transaction for every line (standard way)

How to set it up:

Create your file in the normal way but if you want to have a single transaction for the whole process in your Key Column mark the column's name with /KT at the end, please notice that "/KT" must be written in capital letter.


If you set the file to have a single transaction, the process will run until an error is found. When an error occurs the process will stop in that row and rollback all the previous rows.

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-2878

See Also

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