Marketing Committee Meeting 20240927

From iDempiere en

Date: 2024-09-27
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Eugene, Chuck, Diego, Carlos, Norbert

  1. What's new from last week?
    • Technical Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5432 Performance Measure Calculation - Improve SQL Definition(cover more case)
      • IDEMPIERE-5760 Manage mail.smtp.connectiontimeout and mail.smtp.writetimeout using SysConfig
      • IDEMPIERE-6248 SysConfig to avoid cutting log
      • IDEMPIERE-6249 CLogFormatter.fillExceptionTrace should filter org.adempiere. and org.idempiere.
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-6250 NPE when open SortTab
      • IDEMPIERE-6251 clean status bar error info
    • Community news
  2. iDempiere Hacktoberfest
    • we participate in the hacktoberfest with
      • iDempiere core
      • iDempiere Docker
      • iDempiere REST
      • iDempiere docsaurus
    • We announce on October 1st that the project is participating and invite people to contribute.
    • We contact Frank wolf to see if he can forward the post to local universities to encourage students.
  3. Documentation
    • We want to
      • Gear the site initially to support users getting started.
      • Use the upcoming release as a milestone to have it functioning for the intended purpose.
    • In summary:
      • focus on new user acceleration for the Upcoming release. The goal is to have something we are proud of.
      • focus on making the contribution as easy as is possible.
  4. Conference follow-up
    • We add to the participant's fee the shared cost for travels and accomodation for Carlos and Heng Sin (Awaiting confirmation)
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