Marketing Committee Meeting 20240216

From iDempiere en

Date: 2024-02-16
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Eugene, Chuck, Diego, Carlos

  1. What's new from last two weeks?
    • Usability Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-6037 Upgrade pdf.js viewer to version 4.0.379
      • IDEMPIERE-6038 BP/Product Icon not used in Order Info Window
      • IDEMPIERE-5990 Create translation for BPartnerOrgLink process errors
      • IDEMPIERE-6041 Workflow activities on smartphones
      • IDEMPIERE-6042 Improvements to Payment window
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-3117 Wrong period validation on Bank Statement
      • IDEMPIERE-4579 IDEMPIERE-5943 IDEMPIERE-6027 Function altercolumn fails with PostgreSQL 16.1
      • IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - fix oracle migration script
      • IDEMPIERE-5888 Login Preferences are created on System tenant - fix NPE
      • IDEMPIERE-6030 Potential infinite loop in MLocation.equals (Object) method
      • IDEMPIERE-6032 MPInstanceLog ResultSet constructor not getting all value from result set
      • IDEMPIERE-6039 MBPartnerLocation returning Location wrongly from cache when asked to requery
    • Test Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-6005 Unit Test: Display the test method to be executed in the console
      • IDEMPIERE-6016 test case to simulate transaction timeouts and ensure no open connections remain afterwards
    • Development Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-6029 Extract @SQL= and @SQLFIND= to constant
      • IDEMPIERE-6031 Redundant code in MSetup.createClient method
      • IDEMPIERE-6034 MTaxCategory.getDefaultTax unnecessary create new MTax instance
      • IDEMPIERE-6035 Use saveCrossTenantSafe instead of PO.setCrossTenantSafe
      • IDEMPIERE-6036 Serial number control and MLotCtl have potential to generate duplicate serial number under heavy load
      • IDEMPIERE-5795 DeveloperMode context variable - System Property
    • Community News:
  2. January Hero Nominee
    • Jesus Castillo is chosen as the hero of January for his consistent support in forums
  3. Financial server and report
    • The financial server is ready to export the reports. We worked today in the print format, once generated we publish it in the official website
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