Marketing Committee Meeting 20230623
From iDempiere en
Date: 2023-06-23
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee
You can find the detailed meeting here:
Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Eugene, Chuck, Diego, Carlos, Subhashish
- What's new from last week?
- Functional Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5056 Order and Invoice: Tax lookup interface
- IDEMPIERE-5747 When using Generate PO from SO - cannot delete the generated PO, neither the SO lines
- Usability Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5364 Event name is truncated at bottom
- Technical Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
- IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - Archive
- Bug fixes
- IDEMPIERE-5764 [ZOOM] - Window configured in reference does not work
- IDEMPIERE-5776 Cannot generate shipment for an order with multiple lines for same product and Complete Order delivery rule
- Development Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5777 Improve extensibility of WPaySelect
- Community news
- New video conference is out
- Functional Improvements
- Hero winner May 2023
- Henry Manas chosen as the hero of May 2023
- Frank wolff chosen as hero of June 2023
- Blog post review
- Post from Henry approved