Marketing Committee Meeting 20230210

From iDempiere en

Date: 2023-02-10
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Eugene, Diego, Carlos

  1. What's new from last week?
    • Development Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5443 Date Range Filter Component / SystemIDs
      • IDEMPIERE-5570 Zk: Improve readability of code
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-5557 Dashboard Rendering Threads do not hold language set after login
      • IDEMPIERE-5558 Payment Selection (manual) unusable
      • IDEMPIERE-5565 Cannot create report with virtual column where reference is table with display column = ID
      • IDEMPIERE-5566 Cross tenant PO writing on AD_System
    • Functional Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5571 Shipment created by Drop Ship Material Receipt is not processing workflows
  2. Conference 2023
    • We send the last proposal an email. So, in the email I ask for the source if they do not have them. I suggest they adapt their presentation to show it as a showcase
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