Marketing Committee Meeting 20220325

From iDempiere en

Date: 2022-03-25
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Chuck

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Usability Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-2975 Password Validator translations (Passay lib) / integrating patch from Tomáš Švikruha
      • IDEMPIERE-5228 Too verbose oracle/AfterImport.sql
      • IDEMPIERE-5232 Chart field at tenant level
      • IDEMPIERE-5233 Invoice created from the Commission Run window cannot be easly found after created
    • Functional Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5056 Order and Invoice: Tax lookup interface
      • IDEMPIERE-5083 add FREIGHTCOSTRULE_CustomerAccount
    • Performance Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5221 Performance - indexes on heavily used queries / FHCA-3486
    • Technical Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5237 Add tablename on log when a column is missing
    • Development Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5239 Add ConfirmPanel.getMap method
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-5241 bugfixes for charts
  2. iDempiere Documentation Vision/Framework
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