Marketing Committee Meeting 20220318

From iDempiere en

Date: 2022-03-18
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Chuck

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-5168 rebuild Oracle indexes
    • Technical Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-2494 Attribute Value allowing duplicated values
      • IDEMPIERE-5230 DesktopImpl.warn: UUID recycle is enabled and it's better to disable it …
    • Development Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5235 Usage of MOrg.getOfClient without PO
      • IDEMPIERE-5237 Add tablename on log when a column is missing
    • Usability Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-4586 Update translation of Client to Tenant
      • IDEMPIERE-4744 Minor improvements to Quick Form / Shortcut Shift+Alt+Q / Stay in Parent tab
    • Performance Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-4973 Performance - Render Quick info only when help panel (Right side Panel) open
      • IDEMPIERE-5224 Locator Field type Caching Improvement
      • IDEMPIERE-5225 HTML Report minification
    • Functional Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-5231 Create Payments from Bank Statement is not taking into account Discounts
      • IDEMPIERE-5233 Invoice created from the Commission Run window cannot be easily found after created
  2. Hero of the month - results
    • @chuckboecking was chosen as the hero of the month by the community
  3. Documentation improvement - tags and categories review
    • Tags to be used:
      • CandidateForObsoleteNotice
      • CandidateForDeletion
      • NeedsToBeUpdated
    • We agreed on using the four categories from the suggested framework.
      • Tutorial
      • HowTo
      • Explanation
      • Reference
    • We need to create our version of the diataxis to help our community understand the framework/vision ... with examples related to iDempiere
    • We work next week on creating the iDempiere Documentation Vision/Framework
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