Marketing Committee Meeting 20220204
From iDempiere en
Date: 2022-02-04
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee
You can find the detailed meeting here:
Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Eugene, Chuck
- What's new from this week?
- Bug fixes
- IDEMPIERE-5175 on GL Journal Batch window, DateAct on line defaulted from GL Journal Batch instead of Journal
- Functional Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5170 Reverse Prepare Payment process
- IDEMPIERE-1104 SysConfig for posting using bank statement line date
- Test Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5155 fix intermittant Inventory Test failure by sorting MStorageOnHand return value
- Performance Improvements
- IDEMPIERE-5049 Zk Session and Desktop object not destroy immediately after logout
- IDEMPIERE-5171 GridTable duplicate WhereClause Fix
- Peter Shepetko created a new video for his plugin.
- Andreas released today a new version of the model generator plugin:
- Wordpress updated to 5.9
- New hero of the month page:
- Plus a lot of interest and feedback from the community regarding Anozi's theme changer plug-in
- Note: Share the message of using https instead of http since iDempiere 9
- Bug fixes
- Schedule change during February
- So starting next Friday we meet 2hrs later
- Improve technical documentation roadmap - milestones followup
- New Documentation mattermost channel created.
- We agreed with the roadmap proposed by Chuck:
- Roadmap of the upcoming months.
- 1) 2weeks establish a set of tags and ask the community to set on pages (does not work, out dated, needs more info, etc)
- 2) 3rd week check for effort and accuracy
- 3) 4th week execute document day with specific actions on specific tags
- 4) repeat doc day as many times as needed to iterate through tags
- Next week we discuss about the tags to be used
- Follow-up on Chuck's review of Gardenworld sample data
- Chuck explained his advance on this topic
- Next week we keep the discussion about Gardenworld sample data