Marketing Committee Meeting 20211119

From iDempiere en

Date: 2021-11-19
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Eugene, Chuck, Heng Sin

  1. What's new from last two weeks?
    • Functional Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-2168 Product with ASI Mandatory Type = When Shipping is still mandatory on sales orders
      • IDEMPIERE-2620 Customer Drop Ships not implemented
      • IDEMPIERE-4472 Window Advanced Search - Allow select column from window tabs - 2pack compatibility
      • IDEMPIERE-4808 Payment Allocation should be IsSOTrx neutral + Product Window
      • IDEMPIERE-4086: Allow Product without price list on some document type
      • IDEMPIERE-5026 Create from Invoice showing already invoiced RMA's
      • IDEMPIERE-5029 User can make Shipment/Receipt Line Product different …
      • IDEMPIERE-5031 Implement auto produce upon shipment for mfg light
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-4854 Bugfixes in InOutGenerate
      • IDEMPIERE-4956 fix unmatched quotes in displaylogic
      • IDEMPIERE-5039 Negative Lost Sales Quantity
      • IDEMPIERE-5034 NPE and other problems when a file is removed from store attachment filesystem
      • IDEMPIERE-5036 NPE auto-opening a process
    • Technical Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-4900 SQL statement added as an option to define WF Next Node Condition
      • IDEMPIERE-5012 org.idempiere.ui.zk.annotation.Form annotation
      • IDEMPIERE-5025 Easier usage of process parameters
      • IDEMPIERE-5035 Update of Dependency (November 2021)
      • IDEMPIERE-5037 PackOut/PackIn must treat EE01/2/4/5 entries as official dictionary
  2. Community days during release freeze
    • We collect suggestions from the community for the iDempiere 9 name (here)[1] and after Friday, November 26 the community votes.
    • We take the document from last year ( and we evolve from there:
    • We start with this document as a base and we ask the community to repeat those 76 cases that are already described. We need to make sure we didn't break existing features
    • People create new test cases and the document evolves
    • We want to pursue trying to divide the test day among two groups, functional test cases and unit tests written by developers.
    • Test days on nov-30 and dec-5.
    • Plug-in test day on December 14th
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