Marketing Committee Meeting 20210122

From iDempiere en

Date: 2021-01-22
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Chuck, Martin Schönbeck

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Bug fixes
      • IDEMPIERE-4645 Search by special field types failing
      • IDEMPIERE-4649 NPE when running Change base language with a fake language (as instructed)
      • IDEMPIERE-4650 Problems with Language Management in PO
      • IDEMPIERE-4655 WTimeEditor display time picker button when read only.
      • IDEMPIERE-4656 Incorrect rate in the MR postings when the currency type of the order is 'Company'
      • IDEMPIERE-4657 Search Dialog Columns are duplicated when table is present in multiple window tabs.
      • IDEMPIERE-4658 The operator Dropdown entries for a foreign ID column is corrupted when a search preset is loaded in any window's Advanced Search tab.
      • IDEMPIERE-4660 Wrong code in virtual columns broke IDEMPIERE-2356
      • IDEMPIERE-4664 Cross tenant issue sending email with a System template
    • Improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
      • IDEMPIERE-4652 Remove Eclipse warnings
      • IDEMPIERE-4653 Improve timeout handling of window tab
  2. iDempiere community survey - followup
    • There seem to be 2 optional sections: one for ERP users and one for Business application users. We give the weekend to the committee to comment more on the questions, with what is decided in the document, @druiz proceed to create a survey and share it with the committee.
    • The committee will be the pilot sample and check if the questions are ok and how long it takes to complete the survey before publishing it to the community
  3. Release image/announcement on the homepage
    • We discuss this on the next meeting when @barg4barg is present in the meeting
  4. Plug-in presentation day
    • We can incorporate this proposal to the "15 minutes in iDempiere" meeting, probably trying to use Jitsy as a new communication channel.
    • We will pursue this making a call for plugin presentations with previous review of the committee on the topics to be addressed.
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