Marketing Committee Meeting 20201218

From iDempiere en

Date: 2020-12-18
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day
Meeting led by: Diego
Meeting notes and follow-up actions: Diego
Attendance list: Diego, Carlos, Eugene, Chuck

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Stabilization
      • IDEMPIERE-4268 Web Services : Read miss cross-tenant check
      • IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with context parameter
      • IDEMPIERE-4521 Release 8.1
      • IDEMPIERE-4528 Update Js Library
      • IDEMPIERE-4584 : InfoProduct throws "Attempted to access nonexistent …
      • IDEMPIERE-4589 BUGS on PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS -> Accounting Rules ->Accounting Setup
      • IDEMPIERE-4593 Error completing a Standard Sales Order with Shipper and Calculated Freight Cost Rule
      • IDEMPIERE-4594 Payment Selection (Manual) - NPE When Payment Date is empty
      • IDEMPIERE-4596 Cannot create a product and an inventory document in t…
      • IDEMPIERE-4597 : Make sure ConvertLead process generates an active BPartner
      • IDEMPIERE-4598 Disable obsolete IsServer* fields
    • Usability improvements
      • IDEMPIERE-4581 Model generator should isn't dialog it should be window
      • IDEMPIERE-4595 Autofill process parameters with smart defaults
      • IDEMPIERE-4601 Move Plugin manager from About to a Form
    • Community Recognition
      • IDEMPIERE-4580 New Credits Tab content
  2. SEO improvements + Video in the homepage
    • We create a forum Thread "Release 8.2 Q&A" where people can ask and we try to answer and create wiki pages documenting the Q&A to help with the release transition
    • Instead of a video initially, a real demo server with a guided tour could help newcomers make the decision and attract them. We pursue to create a document gathering ideas on what to highlight in such a demo site (the content of the guided tour), later on we discuss how to implement it (tooltips, broadcasts, ....).
  3. Additional notes:
    • The marketing committee takes a holiday break and we meet again on Friday, January the 8th.
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