Marketing Committee Meeting 20200828

From iDempiere en

Date: 2020-08-28
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

  1. What's new from this week?
    • Fixes on warehouse orders
    • Added missing font icons
    • add missing workflow transition node to Process_Production
    • Improvements on the Window search dialog
    • Update tab title after save
    • Fixes on packout
    • Fixes the issue with exporting non-official ID orgs
    • Fixed Invoice with Payment Schedule is not displayed in Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss
    • Fixed BOM Drop to invoice
    • MTable error - ConcurrentModificationException
    • Grid View - change click navigation to follow the same flow as toolbar
    • Changes visible for users:
      • operators in Find window are now translatable
      • SeqNo added to GL distribution to make the discovery of first record predictable
      • the ability to configure calling a second workflow at the end of one workflow is a great improvement
  2. Top Makers interview follow-up
    • State explicitely in the intro of the form that the progress can be saved but it's not done automatically.
    • Proceed to send the interviews to the other Top Makers, as defined before with one-month time frame to get the response.
  3. Triage day future - community day
    • The triage day was a success but it might get too complicated with the tickets that are left. Most of the tickets left have some kind of unreviewed patches, so it requires people with development skills to review them.
    • The next community day will be a "documentation-related" day. We discuss on future meetings on how to approach this, improve the existing mechanism, review process, etc ...
  4. Additional mentioned topics:
    • Thanks to @hengsin and @carlosruiz 11/12 commits made this week came from you two.
  5. Call to action
    • Send the interview to the Top Makers.
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