Marketing Committee Meeting 20200410

From iDempiere en

Date: 2020-04-10
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee

You can find the detailed meeting here:

Summary of the day:

  1. Discussion about distros/forks naming
    • Create a list of official suggested options for friendly distros (powered by iDempiere, using iDempiere 6.2 core - ... )
  2. Hero of the month. Poll results review
    • Announce Diego as the hero of the month with a special mention to Nikita for his telegram plugin
  3. Brainstorming, how to present the hero of the month?
    • Q&A to go further at presenting the hero of the month, presenting a person in a more personal and convincing way. We can work on it and do it with Deepak and edit his page.
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