Marketing Committee Meeting 20200212
From iDempiere en
Date: 2020-02-12
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee
You can find the detailed meeting here:
Summary of the day:
- List of makers, review Carlos' comments on contributions, what to do next?
- Publish the list of contributors (people only first), with 3 categories (Core, Major, Contributor). With a small description of each group, inviting new people to be part of that list, with a statement saying that if someone wants his/her name removed from the list, they can contact us.
- Follow up on past initiatives -> Case studies and testimonials, open-source summit application, trademark?
- The category that might fit in the OSS summit was decided to be Open Source + Startup Business Models, the leaders' profile were approved and could be published.
- Documentation initiative.
- Don't use readTheDocs at the moment, try to encourage the community to organize and pruning the wiki. The topic is open for the future.