Marketing Committee Meeting 20200129
From iDempiere en
Date: 2020-01-29
Time: 12:00 UTC
Venue: Mattermost - Channel: Marketing
Called by: Marketing Committee
You can find the detailed meeting here:
Summary of the day:
- - Initial list of Makers - follow up.
- No list yet, next week with the list we decide how to move forward.
- Open source summit 2020 in Austin Texas. Current state and Follow up.
- Chuck will create a draft and send it for review.
- People of iDempiere - follow up. What did we decide on the community members profiles
- Initially, we agree on a page showing the picture and story (intro) of the two leaders, ideally, these intros should be bright and inspiring and highlight what is expected from other makers. The idea is that in the future, we create more profiles to recognize contributors.
- Someone could write Heng Sin and Carlos profile and send it to them for approval.
- Initially, we agree on a page showing the picture and story (intro) of the two leaders, ideally, these intros should be bright and inspiring and highlight what is expected from other makers. The idea is that in the future, we create more profiles to recognize contributors.
- Documentation process - follow up. What can we analyse from the idempiere-marketing documentation post?
- Video documentation can be addressed with offline webinars. We decided to publish webinars guidelines and call for applications in the forums. Regarding written documentation, calling for a volunteer in forums to be in charge of collecting documentation
- we can join this with the hero of the month initiative on website, we will discuss that in the next meeting
- Video documentation can be addressed with offline webinars. We decided to publish webinars guidelines and call for applications in the forums. Regarding written documentation, calling for a volunteer in forums to be in charge of collecting documentation
- AWSOpen tweet - what to write?
- Tweet: thanks AWSOpen for sponsoring infrastructure for running iDempiere project, our beloved Community Powered ERP and Development Framework