Bitbucket Idempiere Note

From iDempiere en

This page can contain obsolete information, iDempiere moved to maven and git

This note base in buckminster in eclipse but it's same apply to buckminster command line, what different is play with parameter of command line.

About buckminster command line, flow exact step in Building iDempiere without Eclipse just change version update date.


1. what role of buckminster in idempiere?

read step by step Building iDempiere without Eclipse let you know what buckminster do.

  • create target platform
  • collect all necessary library to target platform
  • collect run ant job (for collect zk library)
  • establish environment for idempiere run
  • in case run buckminster with eclipse, it also make working-space with all ready project.
  • build idempiere
  • package idempiere to binary to buckminster collect library for idempiere. almost job (build, package,..) is easy to understand, just a command line. what I interest with is collect library part (big part of materialize process)

Configuration buckminter for easy study error when it display

Configuration buckminster.png

1. increase log level Increase log level to debug. because i use buckminster from eclipse i change value of "console logger level"

2. decrease number of resolve threads to 1. when you encounter issue with download some resource (binary, source, md5,...) decrease this value to 1 can help,

in my environment, when decrease this value, materialization ever run faster.

Speed-up materialization process

increase parallel materialization to maximum (I'm tested it's ok with 10 and not ok with 15)

How to buckminster figure out what's for collect

Some rmap special value in idempiere rmap file

Some know issue

  • No suitable provider for component [component name] was found in
  • missing-required-capability
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