Building iDempiere without Eclipse
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⇐ Table of Contents | Running iDempiere within Eclipse | Building iDempiere without Eclipse
It is possible to build iDempiere without Eclipse, using maven.
Install maven
- Install the prerequisite Maven
apt-get install maven
Clone iDempiere code
- Clone the repository you downloaded on Download the Code step (you can also use your actual installation, but I prefer to clone it to avoid mixing environments)
cd $HOME/sources # Or use the folder where you downloaded the idempiere project git clone idempiere testheadless
Materialize and build the project
- Navigate to the folder
cd $HOME/sources/testheadless
- Position in the branch you want to compile
# if building development (master) branch git switch master # if building release 12 branch git switch release-12
- Build
mvn verify -U
- After this step the uncompressed servers can be found at:
# linux 64 bit version $HOME/sources/testheadless/org.idempiere.p2/target/products/org.adempiere.server.product/linux/gtk/x86_64 # windows 64 bit version $HOME/sources/testheadless/org.idempiere.p2/target/products/org.adempiere.server.product/win32/win32/x86_64
You can compress those folders with your preferred compressor to use them as installers.
This tutorial is brought to you by Carlos Ruiz from BX Service GmbH. Feel free to improve directly or suggest using the Discussion tab.
⇐ Table of Contents | Running iDempiere within Eclipse | Building iDempiere without Eclipse