Production (Single Product) (παράθυρο ID-53127)

Από iDempiere el
Μετάβαση σε:πλοήγηση, αναζήτηση

παράθυρο: Production (Single Product)

περιγραφή: null

Βοήθεια: null

TAB: Production

περιγραφή: null

Βοήθεια null

Αρχείο:Production (Single Product) - Production - παράθυρο (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

όνομα όνομα περιγραφή Βοήθεια Προδιαγραφές
Client Εταιρία Η Εταιρία/Μισθωτής για αυτή την εγκατάσταση Εταιρία είναι μια επιχείρηση ή μια νομική οντότητα. Δεν μπορούν να μοιράζονται δεδομένα ανάμεσα σε εταιρίες. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Τμήμα Οργανωτική οντότητα εντός του πελάτη/της εταιρίας Ένα τμήμα είναι μια μονάδα της εταιρίας/πελάτη ή ένα νομικό πρόσωπο - παραδείγματα είναι ένα κατάστημα. Μπορείς να μοιραστείς δεδομένα ανάμεσα στα τμήματα. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Document No Document No Document sequence number of the document The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>".

If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(30) NOT NULL
Name Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60)
Description Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Active Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Date Promised Date Promised Date Order was promised The Date Promised indicates the date, if any, that an Order was promised for. DatePromised
timestamp without time zone
Movement Date Movement Date Date a product was moved in or out of inventory The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. MovementDate
timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
Product Product Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Locator Locator Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. M_Locator_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Locator (WH)
Production Quantity Production Quantity Quantity of products to produce The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce ProductionQty
numeric NOT NULL
Create/Update Production lines Create/Update Production lines Process which will create production lines based on BOM, or recreate with an optional adjusted quantity null CreateFrom
Complete Production Complete Production Complete Production Indication that this is complete IsComplete
Records created Records created null null IsCreated
character(1) NOT NULL
Activity Activity Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing C_Activity_ID
Table Direct
Processed Processed The document has been processed The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. Processed
character(1) NOT NULL
Posted Posted Posting status The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines Posted
character(1) NOT NULL
Project Project Financial Project A Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities. C_Project_ID
Table Direct
Sales Order Line Sales Order Line Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. C_OrderLine_ID
Table Direct
Campaign Campaign Marketing Campaign The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. C_Campaign_ID
Table Direct
Business Partner Business Partner Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
Table Direct
Trx Organization Τμήμα Συναλλαγής Τμήμα που εκτελεί ή ξεκινάει Το Τμήμα που εκτελεί ή ξεκινάει αυτή τη συναλλαγή (για ένα άλλο τμήμα). Το ιδιοκτήτριο τμήμα δεν μπορεί να είναι το συναλλαγών τμήμα σε ένα περιβάλλον γραφείου υπηρεσιών, με κεντρικές υπηρεσίες και συναλλαγές μεταξύ τμημάτων . AD_OrgTrx_ID
User List 1 User List 1 User defined list element #1 The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. User1_ID
User List 2 User List 2 User defined list element #2 The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. User2_ID

TAB: Production Line

περιγραφή: null

Βοήθεια null

Αρχείο:Production (Single Product) - Production Line - παράθυρο (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

όνομα όνομα περιγραφή Βοήθεια Προδιαγραφές
Client Εταιρία Η Εταιρία/Μισθωτής για αυτή την εγκατάσταση Εταιρία είναι μια επιχείρηση ή μια νομική οντότητα. Δεν μπορούν να μοιράζονται δεδομένα ανάμεσα σε εταιρίες. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Τμήμα Οργανωτική οντότητα εντός του πελάτη/της εταιρίας Ένα τμήμα είναι μια μονάδα της εταιρίας/πελάτη ή ένα νομικό πρόσωπο - παραδείγματα είναι ένα κατάστημα. Μπορείς να μοιραστείς δεδομένα ανάμεσα στα τμήματα. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Production Production Plan for producing a product The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan M_Production_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Line No Line No Unique line for this document Indicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document. Line
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Product Product Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
End Product End Product End Product of production null IsEndProduct
Attribute Set Instance Attribute Set Instance Product Attribute Set Instance The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
Product Attribute
Active Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Planned Quantity Planned Quantity Planned quantity for this project The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line PlannedQty
Quantity Used Quantity Used null null QtyUsed
Movement Quantity Movement Quantity Quantity of a product moved. The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. MovementQty
numeric NOT NULL
Locator Locator Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. M_Locator_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Locator (WH)
Available Quantity Available Quantity Available Quantity (On Hand - Reserved) Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved Quantity QtyAvailable
Description Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)

TAB: QC Test

περιγραφή: null

Βοήθεια null

Αρχείο:Production (Single Product) - QC Test - παράθυρο (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

όνομα όνομα περιγραφή Βοήθεια Προδιαγραφές
Client Εταιρία Η Εταιρία/Μισθωτής για αυτή την εγκατάσταση Εταιρία είναι μια επιχείρηση ή μια νομική οντότητα. Δεν μπορούν να μοιράζονται δεδομένα ανάμεσα σε εταιρίες. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Τμήμα Οργανωτική οντότητα εντός του πελάτη/της εταιρίας Ένα τμήμα είναι μια μονάδα της εταιρίας/πελάτη ή ένα νομικό πρόσωπο - παραδείγματα είναι ένα κατάστημα. Μπορείς να μοιραστείς δεδομένα ανάμεσα στα τμήματα. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Active Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Attribute Set Instance Attribute Set Instance Product Attribute Set Instance The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Product Attribute
Quality Test Quality Test null null M_QualityTest_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Description Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
Expected Result Expected Result null null ExpectedResult
Result Result Result of the action taken The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. Result
character varying(255)
QC Pass QC Pass null null IsQCPass
character(1) NOT NULL

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