Libero HR Payroll
Libero HR Payroll
Core Plugin Guide A step-by-step guide for a complete Payroll cycle from master data setting right through to ac- counts posting and invoice payment. Well-illustrated including developer advice.
Redhuan D. Oon (RED1) April, 2013 written while in Krefeld, GERMANY, Moscow and Trans-Siberian railway, RUSSIA.
Cover photo is of a man-hole cover that has the coat-of-arms of Krefeld, a small town in Germany. You can see an image of a headless man carrying his head in one arm. That is the first bishop of Paris, St. Dionysius, beheaded in year 272 for his missionary work. He was offered to save the lives of the other condemned members in his mission if he can walk past them after his decapitation. According to legend, he did so, walking for some kilometers before succumbing, in the process saving 8. This man-hole lies in the middle of the cross-road of streets lined with colorful small shops, many with modern designs,. At one end of the street behind me, bears the church built in 1752 to honour his sainthood.
- Picture taken with a Sony XPeria Go Krefeld is the venue of the first conference on iDempiere this month of May, which hails the participation for the first time of our amazing contributor, Low Heng Sin, who has never been to Europe and was not keen of the idea of sitting on the plane for 12 hours straight. However he gets the chance to come face to face for the very first time with Carlos Ruiz, our best and only software release master, whom he has been working so closely via the Internet for the last 7 years. I am here in Krefeld the month before to ensure that all preparations go smoothly.
- April 8, 2013
Setup! 10
Terminology 10
Installing Libero HR plugin 11
Alternative Pack In 13
Role Access Update 14
GardenWorld Sample Setup! 15
Sample Data Script 15
Payroll Contract (Variable Definition) 16
Payroll Department 16
Payroll Job 17
Payroll Concept (Variable) 18
Payroll Concept Catalog Window 18
Concept Accounting Tab 20
Concept Ordering 20
Payroll Definition 21
Payroll Concepts 21
Calendar Year 22
Generate Periods 22
Payroll Employee Window 23
Using the Zoom function for New Records 24
Attribute Tab (Activity) 25
Payroll Processing! 27
Payroll Process Window 27
Payroll Movement (Transactions) 29
Generate Payroll Invoices 30
Generate Payroll Payments 31
Modifying Libero HR Payroll! 33
Modifying the Document Type in Generate Invoice 33
Modifying the Code 35
Doc_HRProcess Class 35
MHRProcess Class 36
Rule Scripts 38
Project Protocol! 40
Project Version 40
Source Repository 40
Project Forum for Support 40
Contact 40