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Libero HR Payroll is based on the original contribution by Victor Perez of e-Evolution, Mexico during the ADempiere project. However its documentation was mostly in Spanish which I had helped translated. Nevertheless, it still lacks the full HR management functionality that a modern Human Resource Management system possess.

A member from another Latin-American country, Double-Click of Venezuela has brought about extensive improvements to include much of that, but it similarly lacks an English written guide. And its own Venezuelan localisation is mixed into it rendering it not easy to be generic for others to reuse.

Carlos Ruiz was working with the Venezuelan team on this and I took Carlos’ Libero HR version to make it into this core plugin for iDempiere, where hopefully any other localisation can base themselves upon it. Originally I wanted to do so with the Venezuelan work, which I named it LiVE or Libero iDempiere VEnezuela project but while I was in Indonesia, our community member there, Edwin Ang advised me against mixing too much into a single plugin, and so I de- cided to fall back onto the idea of Libero HR as a core plugin. This module nevertheless bor- rowed item 6 from LiVE:

1. Payroll variables that define such as Monthly Salary, Daily Wages and Overtime Pay

2. Employee records that are associated to the payroll variables.

3. Rules can define further how such variables are calculated as final payments.

4. Process the payroll activity according to calendar periods resulting in transactions.

5. Posting the transaction to Payroll accounts or Charge account.

6. Converting the transaction to Invoice or Payment

I have also released a still-in-progress LiVE as a further add-on that has:

1. HR Personnel master data such as Health Benefits, Leave management, Employment

Training, and History

2.WithHolding Tax when generating Invoices of Employees that can withhold amounts payments such as for Income Tax and other statutory declarations.

3. Substantial reporting in Jasper Reports formats.

While pursuing this, I have also converted Carlos Ruiz’s LCO WithHolding Tax into a plugin. You can find it under the P2 directory of my SoureForge repository:

WithHoldingTax is used in the Venezuelan LiVE sub-project because it incorporates concepts like Income Tax where an amount is withheld in accordance regulatory rules.

I hope to squeeze in time to work with Double-Click to get to the bottom of LiVE, and one idea I

posed to them was for me to go to Venezuela. Who knows.

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