Web Services Clients
From iDempiere en
A web service client can establish a connection with adempiere, using SOAP as the communication protocol.
This page list and describes the existing Web Services Client Implementations for iDempiere.
iDempiere Java Webservice Client
- Maintainer: Saúl Piña - INGEINT
- Current Version: v1.4.1
- License: LGPL
- Sources: https://bitbucket.org/ingeint/idempierewsc_java
- Sources on github: https://github.com/ingeint/idempierewsc-java
It allows the programmer to abstract the generation of XML requests, making development easier. This implementation can be used in Java SE or Android, do not use third party libraries.
public LoginRequest getLogin() { LoginRequest login = new LoginRequest(); login.setUser("SuperUser"); login.setPass("System"); login.setClientID(11); login.setRoleID(102); login.setOrgID(0); return login; }
public String getUrlBase() { return "https://localhost:8443"; }
public WebServiceConnection getConnection() { WebServiceConnection connection = new WebServiceConnection(); connection.setAttempts(3); connection.setTimeout(2000); connection.setAttemptsTimeout(2000); connection.setUrl(getUrlBase()); connection.setAppName("Java Test WS Client"); return connection; }
QueryDataRequest ws = new QueryDataRequest(); ws.setWebServiceType("QueryBPartner"); ws.setLogin(getLogin()); ws.setLimit(3); ws.setOffset(3); DataRow data = new DataRow(); data.addField("Name", "%Store%"); ws.setDataRow(data); WebServiceConnection connection = getConnection(); try { WindowTabDataResponse response = connection.sendRequest(ws); if (response.getStatus() == WebServiceResponseStatus.Error) { System.out.println(response.getErrorMessage()); } else { System.out.println("Total rows: " + response.getTotalRows()); System.out.println("Num rows: " + response.getNumRows()); System.out.println("Start row: " + response.getStartRow()); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < response.getDataSet().getRowsCount(); i++) { System.out.println("Row: " + (i + 1)); for (int j = 0; j < response.getDataSet().getRow(i).getFieldsCount(); j++) { Field field = response.getDataSet().getRow(i).getFields().get(j); System.out.println("Column: " + field.getColumn() + " = " + field.getValue()); } System.out.println(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Total rows: 5 Num rows: 2 Start row: 3 Row: 1 Column: C_BPartner_ID = 50008 Column: Name = Store South Row: 2 Column: C_BPartner_ID = 50009 Column: Name = Store West -------------------------- Web Service: QueryBPartnerTest Attempts: 1 Time: 1163 --------------------------
Screenshot Android Example:
iDempiere .NET Webservice Client
- Maintainer: Saúl Piña - INGEINT
- Current Version: v1.4.1, v1.4.1-wince
- License: LGPL
- Sources: https://github.com/ingeint/idempierewsc-dotnet
It allows the programmer to abstract the generation of XML requests, making development easier. This implementation can be used in .NET 3.5, 4.5 or .NET CF .3.5, do not use third party libraries.
public LoginRequest GetLogin() { LoginRequest login = new LoginRequest(); login.User = "SuperUser"; login.Pass = "System"; login.ClientID = 11; login.RoleID = 102; login.OrgID = 0; return login; }
public string GetUrlBase() { return "https://localhost:8443"; }
public WebServiceClient GetClient() { WebServiceClient client = new WebServiceClient(); client.Attempts = 3; client.Timeout = 2000; client.AttemptsTimeout = 2000; client.Url = GetUrlBase(); client.UserAgentProduct = "C# Test WS Client"; return client; }
QueryDataRequest ws = new QueryDataRequest(); ws.WebServiceType = "QueryBPartner"; ws.Login = GetLogin(); ws.Offset = 1; ws.Limit = 2; DataRow data = new DataRow(); data.AddField("Name", "%Store%"); ws.DataRow = data; WebServiceClient client = GetClient(); try { WindowTabDataResponse response = client.SendRequest(ws); if (response.Status == WebServiceResponseStatus.Error) { Console.WriteLine(response.ErrorMessage); } else { Console.WriteLine("Total rows: " + response.TotalRows); Console.WriteLine("Num rows: " + response.NumRows); Console.WriteLine("Start rows: " + response.StartRow); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < response.DataSet.GetRowsCount(); i++) { Console.WriteLine("Row: " + (i + 1)); for (int j = 0; j < response.DataSet.GetRow(i).GetFieldsCount(); j++) { Field field = response.DataSet.GetRow(i).GetFields()[j]; Console.WriteLine("Column: " + field.Column + " = " + field.Value); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
Total rows: 5 Num rows: 2 Start rows: 1 Row: 1 Column: C_BPartner_ID = 50004 Column: Name = Store Central Row: 2 Column: C_BPartner_ID = 50007 Column: Name = Store North -------------------------- Web Service: QueryBPartnerTest Attempts: 1 Time: 5358 --------------------------
Screenshot Windows Mobile 6.5 Example: