SonarQube and iDempiere Code Analysis

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SonarQube for iDempiere

Analyze with SonarCloud and GitHub Actions

  1. Create a new account at SonarCloud
  2. Follow the instructions at Getting started with GitHub to create a new project for your repository.
  3. Follow the instructions at Analyze your repository with GitHub Actions to setup SonarQube analysis for your repository.
  4. See [1] for available analysis parameters.
  5. The steps in the document above will setup the GitHub actions to be triggered by GitHub push and pull request. However, you can also configure a Github action workflow to run manually.
  6. The current SonarQube workflow in iDempiere is configure to run manually sonarqube.yml
  7. Manually running a workflow
  8. Setting up to run the action on your fork.
    • Define the repository variables sonarProjectKey and sonarOrganization, and set their values based on the information from
Define repository variable.png
Sonar value.png

Free plan and Pricing

  1. SonarCloud Pricing
  2. GitHub Action Runner:
    1. Standard GitHub-hosted runners for public repositories
    2. Standard GitHub-hosted runners for private repositories
    3. About billing for GitHub Actions
    4. About larger runners

SonarQube and Eclipse

  1. Install SonarQube for IDE with Eclipse Marketplace
  2. The SonarQube plugin provide several SonarQube view that will provide various analysis of the source codes in your current workspace (Window > Show View > Other..., search for SonarQube).
  3. For connected mode (SonarQube Server or SonarQube Cloud), follow the instructions in Connected Mode Setup

iDempiere SonarCloud Links

  1. iDempiere SonarCloud Project Overview
  2. Master Branch Dashboard
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