SonarQube and iDempiere Code Analysis
From iDempiere en
SonarQube for iDempiere
Analyze with SonarCloud and GitHub Actions
- Create a new account at SonarCloud
- Follow the instructions at Getting started with GitHub to create a new project for your repository.
- Follow the instructions at Analyze your repository with GitHub Actions to setup SonarQube analysis for your repository.
- See [1] for available analysis parameters.
- The steps in the document above will setup the GitHub actions to be triggered by GitHub push and pull request. However, you can also configure a Github action workflow to run manually.
- The current SonarQube workflow in iDempiere is configure to run manually sonarqube.yml
- Manually running a workflow
- Setting up to run the action on your fork.
- Define the repository variables
, and set their values based on the information from
- Define the repository variables
Free plan and Pricing
- SonarCloud Pricing
- GitHub Action Runner:
SonarQube and Eclipse
- Install SonarQube for IDE with Eclipse Marketplace
- The SonarQube plugin provide several SonarQube view that will provide various analysis of the source codes in your current workspace (Window > Show View > Other..., search for SonarQube).
- For connected mode (SonarQube Server or SonarQube Cloud), follow the instructions in Connected Mode Setup