Script Process
From iDempiere en
Create the Rule
Within the script you can use:
- Login context variables start with G_ prefix
- Process Parameters for the process start with P_ prefix, for example P_Name
- If the parameter is a range then the parameters will be P_Name1 and P_Name2
And the following predefined arguments:
- A_Ctx - the context
- A_Trx - the transaction
- A_TrxName
- A_Record_ID
- A_AD_Client_ID
- A_AD_User_ID
- A_AD_PInstance_ID
- A_Table_ID
- A_Parameter - the array of parameters
- A_ProcessInfo - the ProcessInfo object
Configure the Process
Code provided for copy/paste testing
On the Report & Process:
On the Rule Search Key:
On the Rule Script:
import org.compiere.model.MTable; import org.compiere.util.DB; import org.compiere.util.Msg; /* get Table Info */ MTable table = new MTable (A_Ctx, P_AD_Table_ID, A_TrxName); if (table.get_ID() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("No AD_Table_ID=" + P_AD_Table_ID); String tableName = table.getTableName(); if (!tableName.startsWith("I")) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Not an import table = " + tableName); /* Delete */ String sql = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE AD_Client_ID=" + A_AD_Client_ID; int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, A_TrxName); A_ProcessInfo.addLog (0, null, null, "Deleted "+no+" rows from table "+tableName); result = "OK";