Plugin: chatGPT
From iDempiere en
- Maintainer: Peter Shepetko
- Current Version: 1.0.0 for iDempiere 10
- License: GPLv2
- Source: GitHub
- Plugin: Plugin & 2Pack
- Documentation: PDF
- Sponsor: Petro Shepetko
- Community support: iDempiere Community
- Since the chatGPT (chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is very friendly to the iDempierre ERP Business Suite, I had the idea to write this plugin, which can help improve both the description of products/comments and the description of system objects, such as Menu, Window, Forms and others.
- Update fields Description and Help for Product
- Update fields Description and Help for other objects of System like
• Menus • Windows • Info Windows • Forms
- Create a Simple Report using voice commands
- Open the Documents, Windows, Forms, Info windows, Reports and Processes using voice commands [new feature]
Create a Simple Report
Open the PO
More detail on the User Guide PDF file
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