Plugin: Portal API

From iDempiere en
  • Maintainer: spok
  • Status: Not updated to Maven yet
  • License: GPLv2
  • Price: Free
  • Sources: [1]

Idempiere Portal API

This server side plugin works in pair with frontend PrimeNG-Angular plugin that can be found here

This plugin is fully dependent on Spring Framework and integrates its features:

  • Spring configuration with @Configuration annotation
  • Idempiere context injected by
  • Simple architecture with @Autowire annotation
  • JdbcTemplate used over native DB Idempiere static database connection

From a functional point of view this plugin provides following features:

  • JWT Spring Security authentication
  • Swagger Integration for JSON based Frontend Integration and API testing
  • Invoices and Payments lists
  • OpenItems, i.e. payment due under contract
  • Payment Imitation by Credit Card

I hope it will help you! Enjoy it!

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