Plugin: OrdProcDoc
From iDempiere en
- Creator: StabilisOne(PL) - [1]
- Current Version: 7.1 (5.1 in separate branch)
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch
- Source: [2]
- Download: one.stabilis.ordprocdoc_7.1.0.202009261559.jar [3], one.stabilis.ordprocdoc_5.1.0.202009201904.jar [4]
Enables generate Invoice or Material Receipt from Order by two autonomic classes. All order lines are included.
It recognizes status of the Order, checks if quantity is zero or already delivered and creates predefined info messages as well.
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.
Standard installation via Apache Felix
Plug-in parameters
Invoice_DocType - ID of the Document Type but only for Purchase Order, not used in Sales Order
Inout_DocType - ID of the Document Type but only for Purchase Order, not used in Sales Order
Steps To Use
Create a process
- Search Key / Code: CreateInoutFromOrder
- Named: Generate Delivery Note from Order
- Data access level: Client + Organization
- Class name: one.stabilis.ordprocdoc.CreateInoutFromOrder
Parameter of the process
- Named: Invoice_DocType
- Name of the column in the database: Invoice_DocType
- Entity type: Dictionary
- Display Logic: @isInOut@='Y' & @IsSOTrx@='N'
- Reference override: Table
- Reference Key: C_DocType
Create Invoice From Order
- Search Key / Code: CreateInvoiceFromOrder
- Named: Generate Invoice from Order
- Data access level: Client + Organization
- Class name: one.stabilis.ordprocdoc.CreateInvoiceFromOrder
Parameter of the process
- Named: Invoice_DocType
- Name of the column in the database: Invoice_DocType
- Entity type: Dictionary
- Display Logic: @IsInvoice@='Y' & @IsSOTrx@='N'
- Reference override: Table
- Reference Key: C_DocType
Create a buttons
Invoice Button
- Localization: in the Toolbar Button tab of the Order_Sales Order Window (level 0 tab),
- Component Name: CreateInvoiceFromOrder
- Name: CreateInvoiceFromOrder
- Process: Generate Invoice from Order_CreateInvoiceFromOrder
InOut Button
- Localization: in the Toolbar Button tab of the Order_Sales Order Window (level 0 tab),
- Component Name: CreateInoutFromOrder
- Name: CreateInoutFromOrder
- Process: Generate Delivery Note from Order_CreateInoutFromOrder