Plugin: Libero Manufacturing
From iDempiere en
- Maintainer: RED1, Peter Shepetko
- Creator: e-Evolution(MEXICO), RED1.
- Source: 8.2
- Plugins: org.idempiere.mfg_8.2.0
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch
- Price: (chargeable by creator/maintainer/implementer)
- Guide: Download PDF (deprecated please refer to forum below)
- Forum: iDempiere Community
- Issue tracker: Issues
- Libero Manufacturing is now another iDempiere plugin that can self-install without recompiling or migration script steps (self installed). This makes it a clean setup with almost no impact to core iDempiere.
- It covers simple production schedule planning from BOMs.
- There are also testing module given as a separate plugin and also extension of SLiM FitNesse test engine.
- The guide for free download describes in full how to setup and develop further on it.
- A guide written for the adempiere-version, but worth reading: ManualManufacturing
- The fresh iDempiere contains some process-entries which point to a class org.eevolution.... which are not replaced by importing the plugin. Change them to org.libero....
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.