Plugin: Create Return
From iDempiere en
- Maintainer: Orlando Curieles - - [1]
- Current Version: 1.1
- License: GPLv2 - Free as in Freedom not Free Lunch
- Price: Free, we hope this little help contribute the community
- Sources: [2]
- Download: [3]
Some companies are very small to manage the RMA Customer and create after the Customer Return, sometimes is the same person, I created a process to create the Customer Return with one click.
Supported on iDempiere R3.1
If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.
Just install and activated the plugin on your environment.
The 2Pack create 2 new fields on RMA Customer:
M_WhareHouse_ID to select the Return Warehouse M_InOut_ID to vincule the Customer RMA