Plugin: BX Service CAMT053 Bank Statement Loader
From iDempiere en
(Redirected from Plugin: CAMT053 Bank Statement Loader)
- Maintainer: Carlos Ruiz - BX Service GmbH
- Sponsors: Askey Dataloggers + BX Service GmbH
- Status: Tested with release 8.2
- License: GPLv2
- Sources: GitHub de.bxservice.camt053loader
- This plugin allows importing bank statement files using format CAMT053
- You need to create a record in the tab Statement Loader on window Bank - Cash with the field:
Statement Loader Class =de.bxservice.bankstatementloader.CAMT053Loader
- Then you can load your bank statements using the process Load Bank Statement
- The imported records can then be reviewed in the window Import Bank Statement